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org.mockito.exceptions.verification.TooManyActualInvocations, Wanted 1 time, But was 2 times


hello I'm having trouble testing with a viewmodel like this, how do I make a test with a viewmodel like this because i've had an error several times. where I explained the error below

class SignUpViewModel(private val pref: Repository) : ViewModel() {
val registerResponse: LiveData<RegisterResponse> = pref.registerResponse
val toastText: LiveData<String> = pref.toastText

fun registerAccount(name: String, email: String, password: String) {
    viewModelScope.launch {
        pref.registerAccount(name, email, password)

this is the test i made but it failed and i don't know where the error is... for the tests I did using the repositor and viewmodel

class SignUpViewModelTest {
val instantExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()

var mainDispatcherRule = MainDispatcherRule()

private lateinit var repository: Repository
private lateinit var signUpViewModel: SignUpViewModel

private val dummyRegisterResponse = DataDummy.generateDummyRegisterResponse()
private val dummyName = "Full Name"
private val dummyEmail = "[email protected]"
private val dummyPassword = "password"

fun setUp() {
    signUpViewModel = SignUpViewModel(repository)

fun standartTest() = runTest {
    val obj = MutableLiveData<RegisterResponse>()
    obj.value = dummyRegisterResponse
    repository.registerAccount(dummyName, dummyEmail, dummyPassword)
    signUpViewModel.registerAccount(dummyName, dummyEmail,dummyPassword)
    val actualResponse = signUpViewModel.registerResponse
    verify(repository).registerAccount(dummyName, dummyEmail, dummyPassword)
    Assert.assertEquals(dummyRegisterResponse, actualResponse)

after testing the code above, the results are like this and the error is like this and the error is like this. I'm confused where is the error

"Full Name",
"[email protected]",
Wanted 1 time:
-> at com.example.mysubmission_intermediate.Remote.Repository.registerAccount(Repository.kt:62)
But was 2 times:
-> at SignUpViewModelTest$standartTest$1.invokeSuspend(SignUpViewModelTest.kt:50)
-> at com.example.mysubmission_intermediate.UI.SignUpViewModel$registerAccount$1.invokeSuspend(SignUpViewModel.kt:16)

this is the repository i am using and connected to the viewmodel i am using

class Repository private constructor(
private val pref: UserPreference,
private val apiService: ApiService
) {
private val _registerResponse = MutableLiveData<RegisterResponse>()
val registerResponse: LiveData<RegisterResponse> = _registerResponse
    fun registerAccount(name: String, email: String, password: String) {
    val client = apiService.userRegister(name, email, password)client.enqueue(object: Callback<RegisterResponse> {
        override fun onResponse(
            call: Call<RegisterResponse>,
            response: Response<RegisterResponse>
        ) {
            if (response.isSuccessful && response.body() !=null) {
                _registerResponse.value = response.body()
                _toastText.value = response.body()?.message
            } else {
                _toastText.value = response.message().toString()
                Log.e(TAG, "onFailure: ${response.message()}, ${response.body()?.message.toString()}" )


        override fun onFailure(call: Call<RegisterResponse>, t: Throwable) {
            _toastText.value = t.message.toString()
            Log.e(TAG, "onFailure: ${t.message.toString()}")

and this is dummy data that i use for testing

object DataDummy {
fun generateDummyRegisterResponse(): RegisterResponse {
    return RegisterResponse(

please help me how can i solve this error

CodePudding user response:

Your verify call of verify(repository).registerAccount(dummyName, dummyEmail, dummyPassword) checks that registerAccount is called exactly once. It isn't- it's called twice. What you need to decide is if calling it twice is ok or not. If it's ok, use verify(repository, atLeastOnce()) which will pass if its called at least 1 time (but can be more often).

If its not ok and you really want it once- you need to figure out why it was called twice. The two calls were

at SignUpViewModelTest$standartTest$1.invokeSuspend(SignUpViewModelTest.kt:50)
-> at com.example.mysubmission_intermediate.UI.SignUpViewModel$registerAccount$1.invokeSuspend(SignUpViewModel.kt:16)

Figure out which is wrong, and fix either your test or code so it doesn't happen

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