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What is the difference between functor and monad Intuitively


I have learned the definitions of functor and monad, But I am still unable to figure out the difference between them except for the definitions. I have read some answers to this problem, In What is the difference between a Functor and a Monad? one comment say

A functor takes a pure function (and a functorial value) whereas a monad takes a Kleisli arrow, i.e. a function that returns a monad (and a monadic value). Hence you can chain two monads and the second monad can depend on the result of the previous one. You cannot do this with functors.

This comment is interesting and gives me a read of their difference. But I still have some questions.

  1. why functor cannot use the result of previous one? since fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b, when I currying fmap with a pure function, I can get a f a -> f b function,f b depends on f a, Does the result mean data inside the functor?
  2. In category theory I can understand the comment since I cannot get the element in category theory, but In Haskell I find out that I can use the result of functor since Haskell can remember the data constructor, Does Haskell prevent me from understanding this comment? Should I understand this in pure category theory?

CodePudding user response:

When using fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b, the argument function can never depend on any of the structure from the functor f itself; how can it, when all it ever gets passed are a values, nothing to do with f? When you use fmap to get an f a -> f b function, the code that is responsible for building the final f b value is the code of fmap itself, not the code of the a -> b function being mapped. The function being mapped might not even be called at all (e.g. if you're using the Maybe functor and the f a value is Nothing, there are no a values inside that for fmap to pass to the a -> b function, and it will never be called).

But fmap is fully polymorphic in a and b, meaning the code of fmap doesn't know what those types are and cannot assume anything about them. So fmap has to build the final f b value in a way that only depends on the functor structure added by f; the code of fmap cannot look at any a values and make decisions about what to do. In fact really the only thing a lawful fmap can do is return a value with exactly the same structure as the input f a value, only with any as that were inside replaced by the b value returned by the a -> b function. That's why you can just deriving Functor any data type; there's only one way to make any given data type a Functor, and the compiler can just do it for you.

But the monad =<< function1 has this type: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b. Here the mapped function has type a -> m b. That means the final m b structure returned at the end isn't purely determined by the code of =<< (at least not necessarily). The a -> m b function knows what monad is being used and returns some monadic structure in its m b value, not just a raw b. The mapped function still doesn't receive any monadic structure, so its intermediate m b result can't depend on that; any dependency the final m b value has on the monadic structure in the original m a has to be determined by the code for =<< (which again, cannot make any decisions based on a values itself). But the mapped function (if it is called) does get to contribute some monadic structure, and that can depend on the a values (because the mapped function doesn't have to be completely polymorphic in a; it can inspect a values and make decisions based on them).

This means that ultimately any part of the final output m b might depend on any part of the input (if we don't know what function was mapped, or how the =<< function works internally). This is quite different from the functor case, where even without knowing anything about the specific functor or the mapped function we know that the final output will always look like "a copy of the input with as replaced by bs" (and specifically which b replaces each a is determined by the mapped function).

1 I'm using the reversed =<< operator rather than the traditional >>= operator merely because it lines up better with the fmap / <$> operator.

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