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The bootstrap - the fileinput, many times to upload, previewId repetition


[b] good intention person to help me, please have a look at the code
What else is normal, the following code batch upload, echo, delete, echo mass upload again, normal, but there is a bug,
Steps: to choose the image, click on the upload, then choose a picture; This id is used as a preview on id, cause my logic can't proceed,

The bootstrap - the fileinput document also look a little knowledge, tried a variety of monitoring events, also won't prototype operation, has been five days; I'm trapped died, solving solution,


//picture -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Var carouselImgs=[];
Var fileNames=null;
Var initialPreviewsPic=(fileNames? FileNames. Split (", ") : []);
Var initialPreviewPic=[];
Var initialPreviewConfigPic=[];
for (var i=0; I & lt; InitialPreviewsPic. Length; I++) {
Var fileName=initialPreviewsPic [I];
If (fileName!=null & amp; & The fileName!=' ') {
Var delImg=new Object ();
DelImg=generFilDel (fileName);
InitialPreviewPic. Push (fileName);
InitialPreviewConfigPic. Push (delImg);
CarouselImgs. Push (fileName);
$(" # goodsSide "). Val (carouselImgs);

$(" # the fileinput - goodsSide "). The fileinput ({

UploadUrl: prefix +/up,
Enctype: "multipart/form - data ',
ValidateInitialCount: true,
FileActionSettings: {
ShowRemove: true,
ShowUpload: true,
ShowDownload: true,
//allowedPreviewTypes: [];
PreviewFileType: [' image '],
AllowedPreviewTypes: [' image '],
InitialPreviewFileType: 'image',//'HTML', 'text', 'video' and 'audio', 'flash' and 'object'],
InitialPreviewShowDelete: true,
InitialPreview: initialPreviewPic,
InitialPreviewConfig: initialPreviewConfigPic,//is used to set each item of important attributes configuration (set) as part of the
Theme: 'explorer - fas,
OverwriteInitial: false,//if we need to cover the initial preview the content and the subtitle Settings,
InitialPreviewAsData: true,//whether the initial preview the content set resolved as data rather than the original tag
Language: "useful",//configuration language
ShowUpload: true,//show the overall upload button
ShowRemove: false,//show the overall delete button
Whether showClose: false,//display close button
Asynchronous upload uploadAsync: true,//
UploadLabel: "upload",//set the overall upload button characters
//removeLabel: "remove",//delete button set whole Chinese characters
UploadClass: "BTN BTN - warning",//set the upload button style
Whether showCaption: false,//show the title
DropZoneEnabled: false,//whether the display area of drag
MaxFileSize: 0,//file size,
MaxFileCount: 100,//to allow maximum upload number, can be multiple,
AllowedFileExtensions: [" BMP, GIF, JPG, jpeg, PNG "],//, JPG, PNG, GIF, "docx", "zip", "XLSX", "TXT"
MsgFilesTooMany: "choose the number of files uploaded ({n}) over the allowed maximum value of {m}!" ,
ShowBrowse: true,
BrowseOnZoneClick: false,
PreviewSettings: {
Image: {width: 250 px!" Important ", height: "160 px! Important}
LayoutTemplates: {
//actionUpload: "//remove small preview window the button

On (" fileuploaded ", function (previewId event, data, index) {
The console. The log (" upload to complete the trigger monitor events ")
The console. The log (previewId)
Var fileName=data. The response. The data;
$(" # "+ previewId). Attr (" fileName", fileName);
Var carouselImgs=$(" # goodsSide "). Val ()!=""? $(" # goodsSide "). Val (). The split (", ") : [];
CarouselImgs. Push (fileName);
$(" # goodsSide "). Val (carouselImgs);
On (" filesuccessremove ", function (event, previewId, extra) {
Var fileName=$(" # "+ previewId). Attr (" fileName");
Var carouselImgs=$(" # goodsSide "). Val ()!=""? $(" # goodsSide "). Val (). The split (", ") : [];
Var newCarouselImgs=[];
for (var i=0; I & lt; CarouselImgs. Length; I++) {
If (carouselImgs [I]!=fileName)
NewCarouselImgs. Push (carouselImgs [I]);
$(" # goodsSide "). Val (carouselImgs);
}) on (' filepredelete ', function (the event, the key, the jqXHR, data) {
# goodsSide removeHidden (key, "");

//modify the initial loading the type of file
The function generFilDel (fileName) {
Var o=new Object ();
O. chua aption=fileName;
O.u rl=prefix + "/del";
Referred ey=fileName;
If (fileName==null | | fileName. The indexOf (". ")==1) {
Return {" type ": null," fileType: null};


Var fileTyp=fileName. The split (". ") [1];

If ([BMP, GIF, JPG, jpeg, PNG "]. Join (", "). The indexOf (fileTyp)!=1) {
O.t ype="image".
O.f iletype="image/" + fileTyp;
The return o;

If ([" mp3 "]. Join (", "). The indexOf (fileTyp)!=1) {
O.t ype="audio";
O.f iletype="audio/" + fileTyp;
The return o;

If ([" mp4 "]. Join (", "). The indexOf (fileTyp)!=1) {
O.t ype="video".
O.f iletype="video/" + fileTyp;
The return o;

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