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An unknown small white readme


A no background, no school memories ~ everybody is good, I am a male, it is currently doing development for 6 years, very glad to be released in CSDN platform of my idea, want to tell me the process of all the way, the graduation to now almost always doing yards farmers work, graduated from 15 years, 14 years went to north drift, in junior year when life began to confusion, don't know what to do good, the friend recommended to do it, from the perspective of the oc, development is apple mobile phone app end, lucky enough to go to a special graduation rich company, XXX, graduation is 12 k, my side is mainly responsible for game SDK docking, work is a simple p, every day is on parameters, such as a package of work, so probably lasted a year, so the mixed with, feel just graduated at that time, young, time is much, wages are high, so what also didn't think much of a year, I went to Beijing with the elder brothers into the jingdong, the Internet has also made a years, the bosses of the company, also know the Internet BATJ, so said he is also particularly want to go, a friend recommended me to go to, as a result of the surface 2 times all have no, this time has a very big blow for me,

我知道就一年的时间我和朋友的差距这么大,16年底,oc的行情相当的不好,培训班出来的人相当的多,行情几乎都是白菜价了,这一年我还赶上了公司优化人员,我是第一批被优化的, 然后我就去找工作,那时候连面试机会都没有,可以想象到学oc的人有多少,投了一个月的简历都不给我机会,生活所迫,没办法,转行吧,然后网上在淘宝买了某培训机构的java课程,在家闭关修炼了3个月,我从oc转行到了java,java的需求还是好多了,整理了一份简历,一天就找到了工作,10k,比我第一份工作还少2k,没办法就干吧,我的第一份java工作也是比较轻松的,每天都是crud的操作,但是这时候,我没有停止下来,我借鉴上一次的教训,没有偷懒,没有迷茫,有空我就是学习,什么流行,我就学习什么,17年,dubbo,soa,微服务,分布式,中台,流行,就开始买这方面的书籍,视频,公司午休学习,下班学习,回家晚上学到2点,有句话说的特别好,真的是越努力越幸运,这一年我过的也别充实,18年初,通过社招,我进了一个500强公司,有利有弊吧,大公司技术方面用的还是比较新的,我去的时候正赶上了架构转型,又让我真正的实践了我学的技术,也得到了领导的认可,但是大公司太安逸了,自己也是不断的在学习,技术栈也是在往T型去发展,期间学的各种框架像dubbo,seata,nacos,大流量,2c,让我对阿里更加的向往,那才是真正的it天堂,我个人认为有机会的话,还是要去阿里, 说了这么多,就是希望告诉大家,上帝是公平的,自己的命运也是掌握在自己的手中,上帝给你关了一扇门的时候,同时给你开了一扇窗,方向对,只要学不死,就往死里学,

In the end, your efforts will and proportional to the harvest, come on ~

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The building Lord good cow force, the hope can enter your ideal company
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