In the process of the test automation drag the button to validate an error
The code block:
//verification judgment
The Actions Actions=new Actions (driver);
WebElement YZM=driver. FindElement (By xpath ("//* [@ id=\ "nc_1_n1z \]"));
Actions. MoveToElement (YZM). ClickAndHold (YZM). The perform ();
Actions. DragAndDropBy (YZM, 300, 0). The perform ();
Actions. The release ();
Try {
//pause 3 seconds
Thread.sleep (3000);
{} catch InterruptedException (e)
Code executes, throw out
FAILED: OpenTaobao
Org. Openqa. Selenium. JavascriptException: javascript error: Failed to execute 'elementsFromPoint' on 'Document' : The provided double value is non - finite.
F12 code
Ps: try to use By the xpath absolute path, also throw an error
Thrown to solve; and for the wrong reasons
Please ~