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Reference word_tlb. The problem of pas?


I work to quote word_tlb. Pas this file, I want to create the first word_tlb. Pas files, I do is as follows,
Delphi project - import the type library - add - c: \ program files \ Microsoft office \ office11 \ msword olb - open - select create unit, thus creating the word_tlb. Pas files, I quoted in my engineering users word_tlb.
Run the project will appear the following error:
[Error] Word_TLB. Pas (34708) : the Operator not applicable to this operand type
[Fatal Error] Unit1. Pas (7) : Could not compile, informs the unit '.. \ Imports \ Word_TLB pas'

Error code is word_tlb.
in the pasProcedure TWordDocument. InvokeEvent (DispID: TDispID; Var Params: TVariantArray);
The begin
Case DispID of
1: the Exit;//DISPID_UNKNOWN
4: if Assigned (FOnNew) then
FOnNew (Self);
5: if Assigned (FOnOpen) then
FOnOpen (Self);
6: if Assigned (FOnClose) then
FOnClose (Self);
7: if Assigned (FOnSync) then
FOnSync (Self, Params [0] {MsoSyncEventType});
8: if Assigned (FOnXMLAfterInsert) then
FOnXMLAfterInsert (Self,
IUnknown (TVarData (Params [0]) VPointer) as XMLNode {const XMLNode},
Params [1] {WordBool});
9: if Assigned (FOnXMLBeforeDelete) then
FOnXMLBeforeDelete (Self,
IUnknown (TVarData (Params [0]) VPointer) as the Range {const Range},
IUnknown (TVarData (Params [1]). VPointer) as XMLNode {const XMLNode},
Params [2] {WordBool});
end; {case DispID}

I do not know how to modify, ask for help.
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