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Spring - the boot 2.3. RELEASE the Druid pathogen


Excuse me, why am I so configuration
* * *Username: * * *
Password: * * *
Type: com. Alibaba. Druid. Pool. DruidDataSource
DriverClassName: com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerDriver
Connection - the properties: the config. The decrypt=true; The config. The decrypt. Key=* * *; Druid. Stat. MergeSql=true; Druid. Stat. SlowSqlMillis=5000
The filter:
Enabled: true
Initial - size: 5
Min - idle: 5
Max - active: 20
Max - wait: 60000
Time - between - eviction - runs - millis: 60000
Min - evictable - idle - time - millis: 300000
Validation - query: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
The test -- while idle: true
The test - on - borrow: false
The test - on - return: false
The pool - prepared statements: true
Max pool - prepared statement - per - connection - size: 20
Filters: stat, wall, slf4j, config
Use - global - data - the source - stat: true

In the source DruidAbstractDataSource PasswordCallback PasswordCallback is null
Unable to decrypt, I don't know where is wrong
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