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SPFA most short-circuit negative ring


Can't help bosses, program
The first line of the input is an integer T, says the number of sets of test data, for each set of data format is as follows:

The first line has two integer, said the figure points respectively n and next article edge information of the given number m,

The next m lines, each line three integers, u, v, w,

If w acuity 0, it said there is a edge from u to v power for w, there is also a from v to u right for w while,
If w<0, the only says there is a edge from u to v power for w,




using namespace std;

Const int maxn=100000 + 5;

Int n, m, s;
Struct Edge
Int, v, w;

Vector G [maxn];
Int dis [maxn], [maxn CNT];
Bool inq [maxn], TMP;

Void SPFA (int s)
Queue Que.
Memset (CNT, 0, sizeof (CNT));
Memset (dis, 0 x3f, sizeof (dis));
Memset (inq, false, sizeof (inq));
Dis [s]=0;
Inq [s]=true;
Que. Push (s);
while(! Que. Empty ())
Int u=que. Front ();
Que. Pop ();
Inq [u]=false;
for(int i=0; I & lt; G [u]. The size (); I++)
Int [u] [I]. V=g, v, w=g [u] [I]. W.
If (dis [u] + w & lt; Dis [v])
Dis [v]=dis [u] + w;
if(! Inq [v]) que. Push (v);
If (+ + [v] CNT & gt; N)

Int main ()
Int t;
Cin> t;
While (t -)
Int I, u, v, w.
Cin> n> m;
While (m -)
Cin> U> V> w;
G [u] push_back ((Edge) {v, w});
If (w & gt; G=0) [v] push_back ((Edge)} {u, w);
For (I=1; I & lt;=n; I++)
If (TMP) break;
If (TMP) cout<& lt;" YES "& lt; The else cout<& lt;" NO "& lt; TMP=false;
return 0;
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