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There is a problem about Java Regex


I want to achieve an effect:
2012.223 + 3132.21 * {91-33/(23 + 43.312) + 31} - 99
Input expression, illegal reply=Error, legal reply results:
Now realize matching Numbers (with +/-, decimal and decimal point, etc., shall not take I (imaginary))
ExpressionEvaluation. Main. Java
Package ExpressionEvaluation;

import java.util.*;
Import the Java. Util. Regex. *;

The import tree. *; .//the tree Node. Java and tree. The tree. The Java own compiled

Public class Main
Public static void the output (String line)
Public static String input ()
Scanner s=new Scanner (System. In);
The String line=s.n extLine ();
The return line.
Public static Boolean match (the Pattern PTN, String STR)
The Matcher m=PTN Matcher (STR);
A Boolean flag=m.m atches ();
Return flag;
Public static void main (String args [])
String number_str=(\ \ "+ | -)? (1-9] [\ \ d * \ \.? \ \ d *) | (0 \ \. \ \ d * (1-9]) ";
The Pattern number=Pattern.com running (number_str);

String STR=input ();

System. The out. Println (match (number, STR));

tree. Node. Java
Package tree;

import java.util.ArrayList;

Public class Node
The public type data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/null;
Public Node Father=null;
Public ArrayList The children=new ArrayList (a);
@ Override
Public String toString ()
Return the data. The toString ();
Public void addChild (Node Child)
Children. The add (child);
Public void addChild (Node The child, int index)
Children. The add (index, child);
Public void setChild (Node The child, int index)
Children. The set (index, child);
Public Node GetChild (int index)
Return the children. Get (index);

tree. The tree. The Java
Package tree;

import java.util.ArrayList;
The import tree. The Node;

Public class Tree
Private Node The root=new Node (a);
Public Tree ()
Public Tree (type rdata)
Root. Data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/rdata;
Public Node GetRoot ()
Return the root;

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