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His practice to write simple balanced binary tree don't know where is wrong


From big to small inserts are normal

But since the childhood input within four normal

More than four collapses

program source code# include
using namespace std;
The class TreeNode {
The int value.
TreeNode * Ltree;
TreeNode * Rtree;
TreeNode (int the info) {value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/info; Ltree=NULL; Rtree=NULL; }
The class BFtree {
Root TreeNode *;
Int getHeight (TreeNode * p);
Void insertNode (TreeNode * p, int the info).
Void Lrotata TreeNode * (p);
Void Rrotata TreeNode * (p);
Void BFtreeclear TreeNode * (p);
Int getBF TreeNode * (p);
Void Firstprintf TreeNode * (p);
Void middleprintf TreeNode * (p);
TreeNode * findparent TreeNode * (p);
BFtree ();
~ BFtree ();
Void insertNode (int the info);
Void firstprintf ();
Void middleprintf ();
BFtree: : BFtree ()//constructor
The root=NULL;
BFtree: : ~ BFtree ()//destructors
If (root==NULL);
BFtreeclear (root);
Void BFtree: : BFtreeclear (TreeNode * p)//clear the tree node is called the destructor
If (p!=NULL)
BFtreeclear (p - & gt; Ltree);
BFtreeclear (p - & gt; Rtree);
The delete p;
Int BFtree: : getHeight (TreeNode * p)//access nodes highly
Int the HL, HR, MAXH;
If (p!=NULL)
HL=getHeight (p - & gt; Ltree);
HR=getHeight (p - & gt; Rtree);
Return MAXH + 1;
The else
return 0;
Void BFtree: : insertNode (int the info)//insert node
If (root==NULL)
The root=new TreeNode (info);
The else
InsertNode (root, info);
TreeNode * BFtree: : findparent (TreeNode * p)//find the parent node
{the parent=root TreeNode *;
If (p==root)
return NULL;
While (the parent - & gt; Ltree!=p& & The parent - & gt; Rtree!=NULL)
If (the parent - & gt; Value> P - & gt; Value)
The parent=parent - & gt; Ltree;
The else
The parent=parent - & gt; Rtree;
Return the parent;
Int BFtree: : getBF (TreeNode * p)//returns the node around children height difference namely balance factor
Return getHeight (p - & gt; Ltree) - getHeight (p - & gt; Rtree);
Void BFtree: : Lrotata (TreeNode * p)//left rotating
TreeNode * temp=p - & gt; Rtree;
P - & gt; Rtree=temp - & gt; Ltree;
Temp - & gt; Ltree=p;
If (p==root)
The root=temp;
Else//the subtree of the parent node point to the right of his children
TreeNode * parent=findparent (p);
If (the parent - & gt; Ltree==p)
The parent - & gt; Ltree=temp;
The else
The parent - & gt; Rtree=temp;

Void BFtree: : Rrotata (TreeNode * p)//right
TreeNode * temp=p - & gt; Ltree;
P - & gt; Ltree=temp - & gt; Rtree;
Temp - & gt; Rtree=p;
If (p==root)
The root=temp;
Else//the subtree of the parent node, pointing to the left child
TreeNode * parent=findparent (p);
If (the parent - & gt; Ltree==p)
The parent - & gt; Ltree=temp;
The else
The parent - & gt; Rtree=temp;
Void BFtree: : insertNode (TreeNode * p, int the info)
If (p - & gt; Value> Info)
If (p - & gt; Ltree==NULL)
P - & gt; Ltree=new TreeNode (info);
The else
InsertNode (p - & gt; Ltree, info);
If (getBF (p)==2)//if the balance factor is equal to 2 to do rotation adjustment
If (getBF (p - & gt; Ltree)==1)//if left subtree balance factor is equal to 1 is right
Rrotata (p);
Else if (getBF (p - & gt; Ltree)==1)//is equal to 1 is around rotating
Lrotata (p - & gt; Ltree);
Rrotata (p);
The else
If (p - & gt; Rtree==NULL)
P - & gt; Rtree=new TreeNode (info);
The else
InsertNode (p - & gt; Rtree, info);
If (getBF (p)==2)//same as above to do adjustment
If (getBF (p - & gt; Rtree)==1)//left rotating determine
Lrotata (p);
Else if (getBF (p - & gt; Rtree)==1) turn to determine/right/left
Rrotata (p - & gt; Rtree);
Lrotata (p);
Void BFtree: : firstprintf ()//first sequence traversal
If (root==NULL)
Cout<& lt;" The tree is empty "& lt; return;
Firstprintf (root);
Void BFtree: : Firstprintf (TreeNode * p)//call the first sequence traversal
If (p!=NULL)

Firstprintf (p - & gt; Ltree);
Firstprintf (p - & gt; Rtree);
Void BFtree: : middleprintf ()//in the call sequence traversal
If (root==NULL)
Cout<& lt;" The tree is empty "& lt; return;
Middleprintf (root);
Void BFtree: : middleprintf (TreeNode * p)//in sequence traversal
If (p!=NULL)
Middleprintf (p - & gt; Ltree);

Middleprintf (p - & gt; Rtree);
Int main () {
BFtree a;
Anderson nsertNode (1);
Anderson nsertNode (2);
Anderson nsertNode (3);
Anderson nsertNode (4);
Anderson nsertNode (5);
//Anderson nsertNode (6);

Cout<& lt;" The tree of the first sequence traversal sequence is: ";
A.f irstprintf ();
Cout<& lt;" The tree in sequence traversal sequence is: ";
Arjun iddleprintf ();
return 0;

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