Home > Back-end >  I pack to run projects in azkaban, an error is as follows, please help me to look at, thank you
I pack to run projects in azkaban, an error is as follows, please help me to look at, thank you


The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - Starting job ErrorRate at 1576818361165
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - job JVM args: '- Dazkaban.=ErrorRateCount' flowid '- Dazkaban. Execid=1' '- Dazkaban. Jobid=ErrorRate'
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - Building the command job executor.
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - 1 commands to execute.
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - CWD=/usr/azkaban - exec - server/executions/1
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - effective user is: root
21:06:01 19-12-2019 PST ErrorRate INFO -command: sh/azkaban/flow2.0/bin/error_rate. Sh
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - Environment variables: {JOB_OUTPUT_PROP_FILE=/usr/azkaban - exec - server/executions/1/ErrorRate_output_7106871276098366032_tmp, JOB_PROP_FILE=/usr/azkaban - exec - server/executions/1/ErrorRate_props_8999208714994123044_tmp, KRB5CCNAME=/TMP/krb5cc__asd__ErrorRateCount__ErrorRate__1__root, JOB_NAME=ErrorRate}
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - Working directory:/usr/azkaban - exec - server/executions/1
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - Spawned process with id 6732
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - sh:./azkaban/flow2.0/bin/error_rate. Sh: No to the file or directory
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - Process with id 6732 completed unsuccessfully in 0 seconds.
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate ERROR - Job run failed!
Java. Lang. RuntimeException: azkaban. JobExecutor. Utils. Process. ProcessFailureException: process exited with code 127
The at azkaban. JobExecutor. ProcessJob. Run (ProcessJob. Java: 305)
The at azkaban. Execapp. JobRunner. RunJob (JobRunner. Java: 813)
The at azkaban. Execapp. JobRunner. DoRun (JobRunner. Java: 602)
The at azkaban. Execapp. JobRunner. Run (JobRunner. Java: 563)
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. Executors $RunnableAdapter. Call (511) Executors. Java:
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. FutureTask. Run (FutureTask. Java: 266)
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. ThreadPoolExecutor. RunWorker (ThreadPoolExecutor. Java: 1149)
The at Java. Util. Concurrent. ThreadPoolExecutor $Worker. The run (ThreadPoolExecutor. Java: 624)
The at Java. Lang. Thread. The run (Thread. Java: 748)
Under Caused by: azkaban. JobExecutor. Utils. Process. ProcessFailureException: process exited with code 127
The at azkaban. JobExecutor. Utils. Process. AzkabanProcess. Run (125) AzkabanProcess. Java:
The at azkaban. JobExecutor. ProcessJob. Run (ProcessJob. Java: 297)
. Eight more

The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate ERROR - azkaban. JobExecutor. Utils. Process. ProcessFailureException: process exited with code 127 cause: azkaban. JobExecutor. Utils. Process. ProcessFailureException: process exited with code 127
The 19-12-2019 21:06:01 PST ErrorRate INFO - Finishing the job ErrorRate at 1576818361468 with the status FAILED

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