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Issue of Ehlib local filters


Delphi7.0 + EhLib10.0.023 + BDE
Before using delphi7.0 + Ehlib3.2 seen Ehlib new version of the feeling after local filtering efficiency is very high, so to upgrade the ehlib10 controls

I had I'm doing an example USES quotes EhlibBDE
Give DBGrideh1 set the
DBGrideh1. STFilter. Local:=True;
DBGrideh1. STFilter. Visible:=True;

After running the demo, at the bottom of the form's Title added a line filter, local normal filter function is available,
So I also began to increase in formal program this functionality,
Because of my DBGridEh are dynamically created.
I give to the newly created when creating adbgrideh set the
For I:=0 to listDataSet. Do the Count - 1
The begin
Adbgrid:=TDBGridEh. Create (Self);
Adbgrid. UseMultiTitle:=true;
Adbgrid. The font. The Name:='song typeface';
Adbgrid. The font. The Size:=8;
Adbgrid. Flat:=true;
Adbgrid. TitleHeight:=20;
Adbgrid. SearchPanel. Enabled:=True;
Adbgrid. OptionsEh:=adbgrid. OptionsEh + [dghShowRecNo dghRowHighlight];

Adbgrid. STFilter. Local:=True;
Adbgrid. STFilter. Visible:=True;

In the unit USES also cited EhlibBDE

When the program runs in the form of lines below the Title also added a filter, but inside the input and press enter when no response, no filter data,
Don't know where is the problems,

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