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Java jfinal framework is essentially the database link


Excuse me, what is this error? Can help analyze the
Java. Lang. RuntimeException: Plugin start error: com. Jfinal. Plugin. Activerecord. ActiveRecordPlugin.
Com. Microsoft. Essentially. JDBC. SQLServerException: "`" near a syntax error,
At com. Jfinal. Core. Config. StartPlugins (Config. Java: 137)
At com. Jfinal. Core. Config. ConfigPluginWithOrder (Config. Java: 71)
At com. Jfinal. Core. Config. ConfigJFinal (Config. Java: 59)
At com. Jfinal. Core. Jfinal. Init (jfinal. Java: 61)
At com. Jfinal. Core. JFinalFilter. Init (JFinalFilter. Java: 64)
The at IO. Undertow. Servlet. Core. LifecyleInterceptorInvocation. Proceed (LifecyleInterceptorInvocation. Java: 111)
The at IO. Undertow. Servlet. Core. ManagedFilter. CreateFilter (ManagedFilter. Java: 80)
The at IO. Undertow. Servlet. Core. DeploymentManagerImpl $2. Call (591) DeploymentManagerImpl. Java:
The at IO. Undertow. Servlet. Core. DeploymentManagerImpl $2. Call (556) DeploymentManagerImpl. Java:
The at IO. Undertow. Servlet. Core. ServletRequestContextThreadSetupAction $1. The call (ServletRequestContextThreadSetupAction. Java: 42)
The at IO. Undertow. Servlet. Core. ContextClassLoaderSetupAction $1. The call (43) ContextClassLoaderSetupAction. Java:
The at IO. Undertow. Servlet. Core. DeploymentManagerImpl. Start (DeploymentManagerImpl. Java: 598)
At com. Jfinal. Server. Undertow. UndertowServer. ConfigHttp (UndertowServer. Java: 287)
At com. Jfinal. Server. Undertow. UndertowServer. DoStart (UndertowServer. Java: 265)
At com. Jfinal. Server. Undertow. UndertowServer. Start (UndertowServer. Java: 158)
At com. Jfinal. Server. Undertow. UndertowServer. Start (UndertowServer. Java: 83)
Ats demo. DemoConfig. Main (DemoConfig. Java: 46)
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