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Old projects SSH framework EL expression error after upgrade


The old version of SSH framework project: jdk1.6, tomcat6, struts2.3.16, spring3.15, hibernate3
Because version too old loopholes, leadership required to upgrade the entire framework
The upgraded version is as follows:
Jdk1.8 tomcat9.0.41, struts2.5.16 spring4.3.13, hibernate4
Online to find the didn't solve a lot of kinds of methods, a great god, genuflect is begged
 & lt; ? The XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
& lt; Web - app XMLNS: xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
Xsi: schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_4_0.xsd" version="4.0" & gt;

& lt; The display - name> Cc
& lt; Description> CC Application
& lt; The context - param>
& lt; Param - name> Log4jConfigLocation & lt;/param - name>
& lt; Param - value>/WEB - INF/config/log4j. Xml
& lt;/context - param>
& lt; The context - param>
& lt; Param - name> ContextConfigLocation
& lt; Param - value>
/WEB - INF/config/applicationContext *. XML
& lt;/param - value>
& lt;/context - param>
& lt; The context - param>
& lt; Param - name> WebAppRootKey
& lt; Param - value> Ccps_js & lt;/param - value>
& lt;/context - param>
& lt; Listener>
& lt; The listener - class>
Com.bjdv.com mon. Listener. InitConfigListener
& lt;/listener - class>
& lt;/listener>
& lt; Listener>
& lt; The listener - class>
Org. Springframework. Web. Util. Log4jConfigListener
& lt;/listener - class>
& lt;/listener>
& lt; Listener>
& lt; The listener - class>
Org. Springframework. Web. Context. ContextLoaderListener
& lt;/listener - class>
& lt;/listener>

& lt; JSP - config>
& lt; JSP - property - group>
& lt; Url - pattern> *. Jsp
& lt; El - ignored> false
& lt;/JSP - property - group>
& lt;/JSP - config>

& lt; ! - the struts 2 - & gt;
& lt; Filter>
& lt; The filter - name> Struts 2 & lt;/filter - name>
& lt; The filter - class>
Com.bjdv.com mon. Filter. Struts2Filter
& lt;/filter - class>
& lt; Init - param>
& lt; Param - name> Config
& lt; Param - value>
Struts - default. XML, struts - plugin. XML, XML struts.
& lt;/param - value>
& lt;/init - param>
& lt;/filter>
& lt; The filter - mapping>
& lt; The filter - name> Struts 2 & lt;/filter - name>
& lt; Url - pattern> *. Action
& lt;/filter - mapping>
& lt; The filter - mapping>
& lt; The filter - name> Struts 2 & lt;/filter - name>
& lt; Url - pattern> *. Jsp
& lt;/filter - mapping>

& lt; Servlet>
& lt; The servlet - name> AxisServlet
& lt; The servlet - class>
Org. Apache. Axis. Transport. HTTP. AxisServlet
& lt;/servlet - class>
& lt;/servlet>

& lt; The servlet - mapping>
& lt; The servlet - name> AxisServlet
& lt; Url - pattern>/services/* & lt;/url - pattern>
& lt;/servlet - mapping>

& lt; Servlet>
& lt; The display - name> MessageBrokerServlet
& lt; The servlet - name> MessageBrokerServlet
& lt; The servlet - class>
Flex. Messaging. MessageBrokerServlet
& lt;/servlet - class>
& lt; Init - param>
& lt; Param - name> Services. The configuration. File
& lt; Param - value>/WEB - INF/flex/services - config. Xml
& lt;/init - param>
& lt; The load - on - startup> 1 & lt;/load - on - startup>
& lt;/servlet>

& lt; The servlet - mapping>
& lt; The servlet - name> MessageBrokerServlet
& lt; Url - pattern>/messagebroker/* & lt;/url - pattern>
& lt;/servlet - mapping>
& lt; ! - the struts 2 - & gt;

& lt; ! - velocity - & gt;
& lt; Servlet>
& lt; The servlet - name> Velocity
& lt; The servlet - class>
Org. Apache. Velocity. The tools. The servlet. VelocityViewServlet
& lt;/servlet - class>
& lt; Init - param>
& lt; Param - name> Org. Apache. Velocity. Properties
& lt; Param - value>/WEB - INF/velocity. Properties
& lt;/init - param>
& lt; The load - on - startup> 10 & lt;/load - on - startup>
& lt;/servlet>
& lt; Welcome - file - list>
& lt; Welcome - file> Default. Jsp
& lt;/welcome - file - list>
& lt; The session - config>
& lt; The session - timeout> 120 & lt;/session - timeout>
& lt;/session - config>
& lt;/web - app>

Reference jar package is as follows:

No problem of project startup, access to the web page is the JSP el expression of error and error information is as follows:

CodePudding user response:

This upgrade most desperately
1, this kind of situation you suggest you use the Dependency Analyzer tool see conflict which packages
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