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Back-end > Consult use rocketmq4.5 abnormal NoSuchMethodError: Java. Nio. ByteBuffer. Flip () Ljava/nio/ByteBuf
Consult use rocketmq4.5 abnormal NoSuchMethodError: Java. Nio. ByteBuffer. Flip () Ljava/nio/ByteBuf
when using RocketMQTemplate sending messages recently always fail, showed abnormal "no route info for this topic", tracking invocation chain discovery is caused by the abnormal: Java. Lang. NoSuchMethodError: Java.. Nio ByteBuffer. Flip () Ljava/nio ByteBuffer
Use JDK8 compile and run, if change to JDK11 can run normally, but requires project must run in JDK8 environment, consult bosses how to solve this exception,
Maven -- the compiler plugin 3.8.1
The source 1.8
Target 1.8
Pom. Roketmq introduced XML:
Org. Apache. Rocketmq
Rocketmq - spring - the boot - starter
The 2.0.3 & lt;/version>
The introduction of automatic version: roketmq - client 4.5.1. Netty 4.1.36