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Urgent urgent!!!!!! Java8 senior


1, create the following window:
(1) for the "ok" button. Add the incident response (respectively using separate classes, inner classes, an anonymous inner class methods)
(2) as the window of the "close" button to add incident response (the default Settings window closed way, using the listener after
Mouth, use the adapter)
2, according to the click of the mouse and move, judge the event source, showing the current mouse position, reference MouseEventAdapter. Java
(1) when the mouse into the form, below Themouseentered
(2) when the mouse left forms, in the below Themousehasleftthebuilding
(3) when the mouse click the show: in the form of the current mouse position
3, write a simple addition logic unit, reference Calculator. Java, Java CalculatorGUI.
(1) using GradLayout layout
(2) can be simple arithmetic
4, do simple notepad form structures, and realize the basic function
5, create a form, can display all over the sky star, and display the moon, reference StarDemo0. Java
(1) the position of the stars relatively fixed (using the random function to produce the stars position)
(2) the color of the stars randomly generated
(3) rewrite the paint method
Create the following forms,
Input the unit price,
The number,
Automatically displays the total amount of goods,
If the input data errors,
Can perform error correction and will focus in the commodity price, reference TextFieldExample. Java
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