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Davinci tomcat startup project error, for advice


Java. Lang. IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'DAVINCI3_HOME' value in "file: ${DAVINCI3_HOME}/config/logback. XML"
The at org. Springframework. Util. PropertyPlaceholderHelper. ParseStringValue (PropertyPlaceholderHelper. Java: 172)
The at org. Springframework. Util. PropertyPlaceholderHelper. ReplacePlaceholders (PropertyPlaceholderHelper. Java: 124)
The at org. Springframework. Core. The env. AbstractPropertyResolver. DoResolvePlaceholders (AbstractPropertyResolver. Java: 237)
The at org. Springframework. Core. The env. AbstractPropertyResolver. ResolveRequiredPlaceholders (AbstractPropertyResolver. Java: 211)
The at org. Springframework. Core. The env. AbstractPropertyResolver. ResolveNestedPlaceholders (AbstractPropertyResolver. Java: 228)
The at org. Springframework. Core. The env. PropertySourcesPropertyResolver. GetProperty (PropertySourcesPropertyResolver. Java: 88)
The at org. Springframework. Core. The env. PropertySourcesPropertyResolver. GetProperty (PropertySourcesPropertyResolver. Java: 62)
The at org. Springframework. Core. The env. AbstractEnvironment. GetProperty (AbstractEnvironment. Java: 535)
The at org. Springframework. Boot. Context. Logging. LoggingApplicationListener. InitializeSystem (LoggingApplicationListener. Java: 262)
The at org. Springframework. Boot. Context. Logging. LoggingApplicationListener. The initialize (LoggingApplicationListener. Java: 237)
The at org. Springframework. Boot. Context. Logging. LoggingApplicationListener. OnApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent (LoggingApplicationListener. Java: 200)
The at org. Springframework. Boot. Context. Logging. LoggingApplicationListener. OnApplicationEvent (LoggingApplicationListener. Java: 173)
The at org. Springframework. Context. Event. SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster. DoInvokeListener (SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster. Java: 172)
The at org. Springframework. Context. Event. SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster. InvokeListener (SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster. Java: 165)
The at org. Springframework. Context. Event. SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster. MulticastEvent (SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster. Java: 139)
The at org. Springframework. Context. Event. SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster. MulticastEvent (SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster. Java: 127)
The at org. Springframework. Boot. Context. Event. EventPublishingRunListener. EnvironmentPrepared (EventPublishingRunListener. Java: 74)
The at org. Springframework. Boot. SpringApplicationRunListeners. EnvironmentPrepared (SpringApplicationRunListeners. Java: 54)
The at org. Springframework. Boot. SpringApplication. PrepareEnvironment (SpringApplication. Java: 361)
The at org. Springframework. Boot. SpringApplication. Run (SpringApplication. Java: 320)
The at org. Springframework. Boot. SpringApplication. Run (SpringApplication. Java: 1258)
The at org. Springframework. Boot. SpringApplication. Run (SpringApplication. Java: 1246)
The at edp. DavinciServerApplication. Main (DavinciServerApplication. Java: 32)

CodePudding user response:

The building Lord, solved the, I also met the problem now
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