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Type of abnormality report

The message Request processing failed; Nested exception is org. Springframework. JDBC. BadSqlGrammarException:

Description the server encountered an unexpected situation, prevent it to complete the request,

Exceptions to the

Org. Springframework. Web. Util. NestedServletException: Request processing failed; Nested exception is org. Springframework. JDBC. BadSqlGrammarException:
# # # Error querying the database. Cause: the mysql. JDBC. Exceptions. Jdbc4. MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'prometion. Source' doesn 't exist
# # # The error may exist in The com/offcn/mapper/EmployeeMapper. XML
# # # The error may involve defaultParameterMap
# # # The error occurred while setting The parameters
# # # SQL: SELECT * FROM source where pid=? And id in (SELECT resources_fk FROM role_sources where role_fk in (SELECT role_fk FROM emp_role where emp_fk=? ))
# # # Cause: com. Mysql. JDBC. Exceptions. Jdbc4. MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'prometion. Source' doesn 't exist
; Bad SQL grammar []; Nested exception is com. Mysql. JDBC. Exceptions. Jdbc4. MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'prometion. Source' doesn 't exist
Org. Springframework. Web. Servlet. FrameworkServlet. The processRequest (FrameworkServlet. Java: 1013)
Org. Springframework. Web. Servlet. FrameworkServlet. DoPost (FrameworkServlet. Java: 908)
Javax.mail. Servlet. HTTP. HttpServlet. Service (HttpServlet. Java: 652)
Org. Springframework. Web. Servlet. FrameworkServlet. Service (882) FrameworkServlet. Java:
Javax.mail. Servlet. HTTP. HttpServlet. Service (HttpServlet. Java: 733)
Org, apache tomcat, websocket server. WsFilter. DoFilter (WsFilter. Java: 52)
Org. Springframework. Web. Filter. CharacterEncodingFilter. DoFilterInternal (CharacterEncodingFilter. Java: 200)
Org. Springframework. Web. Filter. OncePerRequestFilter. DoFilter (OncePerRequestFilter. Java: 107)

Root causes,

Org. Springframework. JDBC. BadSqlGrammarException:
# # # Error querying the database. Cause: the mysql. JDBC. Exceptions. Jdbc4. MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'prometion. Source' doesn 't exist
# # # The error may exist in The com/offcn/mapper/EmployeeMapper. XML
# # # The error may involve defaultParameterMap
# # # The error occurred while setting The parameters
# # # SQL: SELECT * FROM source where pid=? And id in (SELECT resources_fk FROM role_sources where role_fk in (SELECT role_fk FROM emp_role where emp_fk=? ))
# # # Cause: com. Mysql. JDBC. Exceptions. Jdbc4. MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'prometion. Source' doesn 't exist
; Bad SQL grammar []; Nested exception is com. Mysql. JDBC. Exceptions. Jdbc4. MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'prometion. Source' doesn 't exist
Org. Springframework. JDBC. Support. SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator. DoTranslate (SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator. Java: 234)
Org. Springframework. JDBC. Support. AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator. Translate (AbstractFallbackSQLExceptionTranslator. Java: 72)
Org. Mybatis. Spring. MyBatisExceptionTranslator. TranslateExceptionIfPossible (MyBatisExceptionTranslator. Java: 73)
Org. Mybatis. Spring. SqlSessionTemplate $SqlSessionInterceptor. Invoke (SqlSessionTemplate. Java: 446)
Com. Sun. Proxy. $Proxy17. SelectList (Unknown Source)
Org. Mybatis. Spring. SqlSessionTemplate. SelectList (SqlSessionTemplate. Java: 230)
Org. Apache. Ibatis. Binding. MapperMethod. ExecuteForMany (MapperMethod. Java: 147)
Org. Apache. Ibatis. Binding. MapperMethod. Execute (MapperMethod. Java: 80)
Org. Apache. Ibatis. Binding. MapperProxy. Invoke (MapperProxy. Java: 93)
Com. Sun. Proxy. $Proxy18. FindSourceByEmpId (Unknown Source)
Com. Offcn. Service. Impl. EmpServiceImpl. FindSourceByEid (EmpServiceImpl. Java: 146)
Com. Offcn. Service. Impl. EmpServiceImpl. FindEmpByUsernamePwd (EmpServiceImpl. Java: 130)
Sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
Sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
Sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (497) Method. The Java:
Org. Springframework. Aop. Support. AopUtils. InvokeJoinpointUsingReflection (AopUtils. Java: 343)
. Org. Springframework. Aop framework. ReflectiveMethodInvocation. InvokeJoinpoint (ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Java: 198)
. Org. Springframework. Aop framework. ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Proceed (ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Java: 163)
Org. Springframework. Transaction. The interceptor. TransactionInterceptor $$Lambda $130/717866727. ProceedWithInvocation (Unknown Source)
Org. Springframework. Transaction. The interceptor. TransactionAspectSupport. InvokeWithinTransaction (TransactionAspectSupport. Java: 294)
Org. Springframework. Transaction. The interceptor. TransactionInterceptor. Invoke (TransactionInterceptor. Java: 98)
. Org. Springframework. Aop framework. ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Proceed (ReflectiveMethodInvocation. Java: 186)
Org. Springframework. Aop) interceptor. ExposeInvocationInterceptor. Invoke (ExposeInvocationInterceptor. Java: 93)
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