Home > Back-end >  The Swing embedded JWebBrowser, unable to run under Linux
The Swing embedded JWebBrowser, unable to run under Linux


Copy the code on the net, there is nothing wrong with run under Windows, but won't run on Linux, error

Failed to create chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.com ponents. NativeWebBrowser [1949739] 1
 under Caused by: org. Eclipse SWT. SWTError: No more handles [Unknown Mozilla path (MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME not set)] 
At org. Eclipse SWT. SWT. Error (SWT) Java: 4109)
At org. Eclipse SWT. Browser. Mozilla. InitMozilla (Mozilla. Java: 1739)
At org. Eclipse SWT. Browser. Mozilla. Create (Mozilla. Java: 656)
At org. Eclipse SWT. Browser. The & lt; init> (the Java: 119)
At chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.com ponents. NativeWebBrowser. CreateControl (NativeWebBrowser. Java: 402)
. 16 more

Source code for the following
 package com. Wolfgroup. ZLSSF. Client. The screen; 

Import the Java. The awt. *;
The import javax.mail. Swing. *;
The import chrriis.com mon. UIUtils;
The import chrriis. DJ. Nativeswing. Swtimpl. NativeInterface;
The import chrriis.dj.nativeswing.swtimpl.com ponents. JWebBrowser;

Public class ClientScreen extends JPanel {

Private JPanel webBrowserPanel;
Private JWebBrowser webBrowser.

Public ClientScreen (String url) {
Super (new BorderLayout ());

WebBrowserPanel=new JPanel (new BorderLayout ());
The webBrowser=new JWebBrowser ();
The webBrowser. SetButtonBarVisible (false);
The webBrowser. SetMenuBarVisible (false);
The webBrowser. SetBarsVisible (false);
The webBrowser. SetStatusBarVisible (false);
WebBrowserPanel. Add (webBrowser, BorderLayout. CENTER);
Add (webBrowserPanel, BorderLayout. CENTER);

The webBrowser. Navigate (url);

Public static void openForm url (String) {
UIUtils. SetPreferredLookAndFeel ();
NativeInterface. The open ();
SwingUtilities. InvokeLater (new Runnable () {
Public void the run () {
JFrame frame=new JFrame ();
Frame. SetDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame. DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
Frame. GetContentPane (). The add (new ClientScreen (url));
//frame. SetExtendedState (JFrame. MAXIMIZED_BOTH);
//frame. SetLocationByPlatform (true);

//frame. SetUndecorated (true);
GraphicsEnvironment ge=GraphicsEnvironment. GetLocalGraphicsEnvironment ();
For (ask gd: ge getScreenDevices ()) {
A Rectangle rec=gd. GetDefaultConfiguration (). The getBounds ();
Boolean isDefault=(gd==ge getDefaultScreenDevice ());
System. The out. Println (gd) getIDstring () + "default=" + isDefault);
System. The out. Println (" (" + rec. GetX () + ", "+ rec. GetY () +", "+ rec. GetWidth () +", "+ rec. GetHeight () +") ");

If (isDefault) {
//frame. SetLocation ((int) rec. GetWidth (), 0).
} else {
//frame. SetSize ((int) rec. GetWidth (), (int) rec. GetHeight ());
//gd. SetFullScreenWindow (frame);
//gd. SetFullScreenWindow (frame);
Frame. SetLocation (0, 0);
Frame. SetSize ((int) rec. GetWidth ()/2, (int) rec. GetHeight ()/2);
//ask gd=ge. GetDefaultScreenDevice ();
//gd. SetFullScreenWindow (frame);

//frame. GetGraphicsConfiguration (.) getDevice () setFullScreenWindow (frame);

//to form visible
Frame. SetVisible (true);
Frame. SetTitle (" my browser ");

//reset form size
//frame. SetResizable (true);

//set the form of the width and height
//frame. SetSize (1400, 700);

//set the form center
//frame. SetLocationRelativeTo (frame. GetOwner ());
NativeInterface. RunEventPump ();

Public static void main (String [] args) {
//if (args==null | | args. The length!
=1)//throw new RuntimeException (" please specify URL parameter ");

//GraphicsEnvironment ge=GraphicsEnvironment. GetLocalGraphicsEnvironment ();
//if (ge. GetScreenDevices (.) length & lt; 2)
//throw new RuntimeException (" dual monitor ");

//openForm (args [0]);
OpenForm (" http://www.baidu.com ");

CodePudding user response:

Online to find solutions all from an article that said to install
Sudo apt - get the install libwebkitgtk - 1.0-0

But the results are:
Verify success
Is reading package list... Complete the
Are analyzing software package dependency tree
Is reading status information... Complete the
No packages available libwebkitgtk - 1.0-0, but it was cited by the other packages,
This could mean that the missing package may have been abandoned,
Or can only be found in other published sources

E: package libwebkitgtk - 1.0-0 no installable candidate

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