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Flowable errors, this is not caused by injection success?


 2021-04-03 22:37:53 [org.flowable.common.engine.impl.interceptor.Com mandContext: 116] the ERROR org.flowable.common.engine.impl.interceptor.Com mandContext - ERROR while closing command context 
Java. Lang. NullPointerException: null
The at org. Flowable. Engine. Impl. Persistence. Deploy. DeploymentManager. ResolveProcessDefinition (DeploymentManager. Java: 129)
The at org. Flowable. Engine. Impl. Persistence. Deploy. DeploymentManager. FindDeployedProcessDefinitionById (DeploymentManager. Java: 80)
The at org. Flowable. Engine. Impl. Util. ProcessDefinitionUtil. GetProcess (ProcessDefinitionUtil. Java: 65)
The at org. Flowable. Engine. Impl. Util. ProcessInstanceHelper. CreateProcessInstance (ProcessInstanceHelper. Java: 94)
The at org. Flowable. Engine. Impl. CMD. StartProcessInstanceCmd. StartProcessInstance (StartProcessInstanceCmd. Java: 187)
The at org. Flowable. Engine. Impl. CMD. StartProcessInstanceCmd. Execute (StartProcessInstanceCmd. Java: 117)
The at org. Flowable. Engine. Impl. CMD. StartProcessInstanceCmd. Execute (StartProcessInstanceCmd. Java: 52)
At org.flowable.engine.impl.interceptor.Com mandInvoker $1. The run (CommandInvoker. Java: 51)
At org.flowable.engine.impl.interceptor.Com mandInvoker. ExecuteOperation (CommandInvoker. Java: 93)
At org.flowable.engine.impl.interceptor.Com mandInvoker. ExecuteOperations (CommandInvoker. Java: 72)
At org.flowable.engine.impl.interceptor.Com mandInvoker. Execute (CommandInvoker. Java: 56)
The at org. Flowable. Engine. Impl. Interceptor. BpmnOverrideContextInterceptor. Execute (BpmnOverrideContextInterceptor. Java: 25)
At org.flowable.com, mon. Engine. Impl. Interceptor. TransactionContextInterceptor. Execute (53) TransactionContextInterceptor. Java:
The at org.flowable.common.engine.impl.interceptor.Com mandContextInterceptor. Execute (CommandContextInterceptor. Java: 72)
At org.flowable.com, mon. Spring. SpringTransactionInterceptor. Execute (SpringTransactionInterceptor. Java: 51)
At org.flowable.com, mon. Engine. Impl. Interceptor. LogInterceptor. Execute (30) LogInterceptor. Java:
The at org.flowable.common.engine.impl.cfg.Com mandExecutorImpl. Execute (CommandExecutorImpl. Java: 56)
The at org.flowable.common.engine.impl.cfg.Com mandExecutorImpl. Execute (CommandExecutorImpl. Java: 51)
The at org. Flowable. Engine. Impl. RuntimeServiceImpl. StartProcessInstanceByKey (RuntimeServiceImpl. Java: 121)
At com. Zyd. Shiro. Controller. RestFlowActiondoController. AddFlowTask (RestFlowActiondoController. Java: 94)
At com. Zyd. Shiro. Controller. RestFlowActiondoController $$$$ab2bac1e FastClassBySpringCGLIB. Invoke ()
The at org. Springframework. Additional. Proxy. MethodProxy. Invoke (MethodProxy. Java: 204)
The at org. Springframework. Aop. Framework. CglibAopProxy $CglibMethodInvocation. InvokeJoinpoint (CglibAopProxy. Java: 747)
The at
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