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[bosses genuflect is begged help] Visual Studio "is to use the source"


is to use the source ", "lack of information source in the module of debugging information

Program running no problem at the beginning, after debugging, because don't know which programs at run time after operation can produce a breakpoint, and feel is random, because a lot of places have breakpoints, tried to find online way, don't work, make up for a long time program can not run the mentality collapse suddenly orz

test. CPP code
 # include "test. H" 
Engine. The # include "h"
#include//define string


# pragma comment (lib, "libeng. Lib")
# pragma comment (lib, "libmx. Lib")
# pragma comment (lib, "libmat. Lib")

The Test: Test (QWidget * parent)//adjust the picture
: QMainWindow (parent)
UI. SetupUi (this);
QImage Image;
Image. The load (" E:/QT/WORK/Test/Test/1400 _01. GIF ");
QPixmap pixmap=QPixmap: : fromImage (Image);
Int with=UI. Label_6 - & gt; Width ();
Int height=UI. Label_6 - & gt; Height ();
QPixmap fitpixmap=pixmap. Scaled (with height, Qt: : IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt: : SmoothTransformation);//full fill the
//QPixmap fitpixmap=pixmap. Scaled (with height, Qt: : KeepAspectRatio, Qt: : SmoothTransformation);//scaling
UI. Label_6 - & gt; SetPixmap (fitpixmap);

//% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

Void Test: : on_conduct_2_clicked ()//conduct
//get the input parameter
QString w=UI. Label - & gt; The text ();
QString q=UI. Label - & gt; The text ();
Int QXS=q.t oInt ();

//check for input messagebox function out of an error dialog

QString aa=UI. Label_7 - & gt; The text ();
If (aa=="DJBZZ")

If (w.i sEmpty ())
MessageBoxA (NULL, "Error in intput", "Error", MB_OK);//we manually input strings are usually const char * (LPCSTR) type, so you only need to MessageBox MessageBoxA can instead of the other,
//MessageBox (NuLL, "STR", "STR", MB_OK)
//MB_OK button type
The else

//check engine
Engine * ep;//the open engine
if (! (ep=engOpen (\ "0")))
Fprintf (stderr, "\ nCan 't start MATLAB engine \ n");
/* return; */

//pattern function
Int L=QXS;
Const double PI=3.1415926;
Double * t=new double [L];
Double * p=new double [L];
for (int i=0; I & lt; L; I++)
[I] t=2 * PI * I/L;

for (int i=0; I & lt; L; I++)
P [I]=1;

MxArray * T=NULL, * result=NULL;
T=mxCreateDoubleMatrix (1, 1, mxREAL);//should be A matrix of mxArray * referred to in A pointer to the memory of the application, the m is for application of rows of the matrix, n is to apply for the number of columns of the matrix

MxArray * P=NULL, * result1=NULL;
P=mxCreateDoubleMatrix (1, 1, mxREAL);

Memcpy ((void *) mxGetPr (T), T (void *), L * sizeof (T [0]));
Memcpy ((void *) mxGetPr (P), (void *) P and L * sizeof (t [0]));

EngPutVariable (ep, theta, T);//the variable in the matlab in quotation marks in
/* engPutVariable (ep, "r", P); */

EngEvalString (ep, "DJBZZ");//call m file
//engEvalString (ep, "f=sin (theta);" );
//engEvalString (ep, f=abs (f); "" );
//engEvalString (ep, "subplot (1, 2, 1);" );
//engEvalString (ep, "polar (theta, f);" );
//engEvalString (ep, "the title (' E surface pattern ');" );
//engEvalString (ep, "subplot,2,2 (1);" );
//engEvalString (ep, "polar (theta, r, 'm');" );//crosslinking c and R in the matlab variables namely according to the above process to redefine L
//engEvalString (ep, "the title (' H plane direction figure ');" );
//engEvalString (ep, "f=sin (theta); F=abs (f);" );
//engEvalString (ep, "for k=1: L r (k)=1; End ");
//engEvalString (ep, "subplot (1, 2, 1); Polar (theta, f); The title (' E plane direction figure); The title (' E plane direction figure); Subplot (1,2,2); Polar (theta, r, 'm'); Title (' H plane direction figure ');" );//can be a statement

for (int i=0; I & lt;=1000; I++)//loaded box progress load

UI. ProgressBar - & gt; SetValue (I);

UI. Label - & gt; clear();
If (aa=="jymz")


Void Test: : on_clean_clicked ()
The UI. The checkBox - & gt; SetChecked (false);
UI. CheckBox_2 - & gt; SetChecked (false);
UI. CheckBox_3 - & gt; SetChecked (false);

UI. Label - & gt; clear();
UI. Label_2 - & gt; clear();
UI. Label_3 - & gt; clear();
UI. Label_4 - & gt; clear();
UI. Label_5 - & gt; clear();
Void Test: : on_checkBox_clicked ()

Void Test: : on_checkBox_2_clicked ()

Void Test: : on_checkBox_3_clicked ()


//void Test: : on_push_clicked ()
//aa=QString UI. Label_7 - & gt; The text ();
//if (aa=="DJBZZ")
//UI. Label_4 - & gt; SetText (aa);
///* UI label_4 - & gt; SetText (aa); */

Void Test: : on_pushButton_clicked ()//in antenna direction function
Ui.com boBox - & gt; clear();

Ui.com boBox - & gt; AddItem (" DJBZZ ", 1);
Ui.com boBox - & gt; AddItem (" jymz ", 2);
Ui.com boBox - & gt; AddItem (" shiyan ", 3);

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