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Use RestTempLate simulation login, the return value response code 302, how will the set - cookie ses


Return value: & lt; 302 Found, {X - XSS - Protection=[1; mode=block], cache-control=[no Cache, no - store, Max - age=0, must - revalidate], Pragma=[no - Cache], [0]=Expires, X - Application - Context=[gateway: 8080], the Set - cookies=[cd8a943 SESSION=2-796 - c - 4966-989 - e - e272f7512e8a; Path=/HttpOnly], Location=[http://localhost:8080/admin/main], the Content - Language=[useful - CN], the Content - Length=[0], the Date=[Wed, 07 Apr 2021 09:03:04 GMT]} & gt;
Which copies the value of the Set - the SESSION cookies into the application of the browser, refresh the page, show that the user has logged in, ask bosses how to remove SESSIOIN value of the return value, and how to put this value in to the browser, the image below for the browser into the location of the SESSION value
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