As title, the final evaluation result is 80 points, can't get full marks, is where there is no notice? Thank you for the guidance of ~
# include
Int main () {
Char a, [15].
Int I, sum=0, j=1;
The scanf (" % s ", & amp; A);
for(i=0; i<11. I++) {
If (a [I] & gt;='0' & amp; & A [I] <='9') {
The sum +=(a [I] - '0') * j;
If (sum % 11==(a [12] - '0')) {
Printf (" Right ");
} else if (sum % 11!=10) {
A [12]=sum % 11 + '0';
for(i=0; i<13; I++) {
Printf (" % c ", a [I]);
The else {
A [12]='X';
for(i=0; i<13; I++) {
Printf (" % c ", a [I]);
return 0;