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The radius of the circle is given, and the diameter of the circle, pupil,

Input format:
Input contains a set of real Numbers r (0 & lt; R & lt;=10000), said the circle radius,

The output format:
Output a line, consists of three Numbers, respectively, the diameter of the circle, perimeter, area, separated with a space between number and number,

This range is not too will do first, and then to write for the first time is integer, the written out, the second reserve four decimal places when we have a problem, the code is as follows:
# include "stdio.h"
# define PI 3.14159
The main ()
Float r, d, c, s;
The scanf (" % 4 lf ", & amp; R);
D=2 * r;
C=2 * PI * r;
S=PI * r * r;
Printf (" % d=4 lf ", d);
Printf (" c=% 4 lf ", c);
Printf (" % s=4 lf ", s);
return 0;

After the output d, c, s why is 0.0000,,,, every brother please help,

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