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Java review in the fourth chapter


scope of each modifier
Private: only in this class, use the
The default (not write) : can be used in this class, and can be used in this package for other classes
Protected: this class, this package, different package subclass used in the
Public: any package, any class can use
1. Private use: define a member variable need private
2. Public use to define member method, construction method, define the class
code block
/* *
Block of code: {} wrapped code is a code block
Local code block: write code in the method of
Tectonic blocks of code: write in the members of the position (class, method) the block of code
Static code block: write method (class) to members of the position is decorated the static block of code that
Public class DemoStudent {
Public static void main (String [] args) {
/* *
Local code block: modified variable scope improve efficiency
Variable scope: within the scope of the variable's {} effective, out of the scope, it will be garbage collected
Int a=10;
//System. Out. Println (a);//always resolve a 'a'

System. The out. Println (s1) getName () + "\ t" + s1. GetAge () + "\ t" + s1. GetSex ());
Student s2=new Student ();
System. The out. Println (s2) getName () + "\ t" + s2. GetAge ());
Student s3=new Student (" bill ", 20);

Public class Student {
Private String name;
private int age;
Private static String sex;
/* *
The characteristics of tectonic block: priority structure, every object creation, will perform a
Function: 1. Can be a member variable assignment
2. You can put in each constructor are extracted from common code, written in the book of tectonic block of code
Requirements: whether to use empty parameters | full constructor to create objects, all print 10 times HelloWord
This. The name="* *";
Enclosing the age="18";
System. Ouut. Println (" tectonic block ");
//construction method in common blocks of code
/* * the for (int I=0; I & lt; 10; I++) {
System. The out. Println (" HelloWord ");
/* *
Static code block: write in the members of the position (class method) is decorated the static block of code that
The static modifier members belong to the class, do not belong to an object, no matter how many times to create objects that will only perform a
Static priority to load into memory, prior to the structural block and structural method performs
1. You can give it an initialize static member variables values
2. In the process of project started to do some initialization designed to perform a database (only)
The static {
System. The out. Println (" static block ");
Public Student () {
/* * the for (int I=0; I & lt; 10; I++) {
System. The out. Println (" HelloWord ");

Public Student (String name, int age) {
System. Out.println (" Person full parameter constructor!" );

Public String getName () {
return name;

Public void elegantly-named setName (String name) {

Public int getAge () {
return age;

Public void setAge (int age) {

Public static String getSex () {
Return sex;

Public static void setSex (String sex) {
Student. Sex=sex;

Object class
Object class is the class hierarchy of the root class (the top class)
Each class Object class is used as a super class, any class directly or indirectly inherits the Object class
The toString method of Object class
Public class Person extends Object {
private String name;
private int age;
Public Person () {

Public Person (String name, int age) {

//Alt + insert override toString method of Object class
@ Override
Public String toString () {
Return "Person {+"
"Name='" + name +' \ '+'
"Age=" + age +
'} ';

Public String getName () {
return name;

Public void elegantly-named setName (String name) {

Public int getAge () {
return age;

Public void setAge (int age) {


/* *
Common members of the Object class methods
String toString () returns a String representation of this object,
Object class toString method source:
Public String toString () {
Return getClass (). The getName () + "@" + Integer. ToHexString (hashCode ());
GetClass (). The getName () : the full name of the class of a class of technology acquisition using reflection. (package name + class name) com itheima. Demo04Object. Person
"@" : the string the same output
HashCode () : in the Object class method, can obtain the hash value of the Object, the hash value is the system is given a random decimal integer 100000
Integer. ToHexString (hashCode ()) : can convert decimal Integer to hex 0-9 a - f
Together: om itheima. Demo04Object. Person @ AS12sdA address values (object)
Public class Demo01ToString {
Public static void main (String [] args) {
/* *
The Person class default inherited Object class, so can use the toString method in the Object class
Person p=new Person (" Dillon hot bar ", 18);
String s=p.t oString ();
System. The out. Println (s);//com. LLZ. Demo04Object. Person @ 4554617 c | 1 | Person [name=Dillon and hot: the age 18]=

//print the name of the object, is called the object's toString method
System. The out. Println (p);//p=p.t oString (com). The LLZ. Demo04Object. Person @ 4554617 c | 1 | Person [name=Dillon and hot: the age 18]=

/* *
Later to see if a class rewrite toStirng method, print the object name to see whether to address values
Is the address values: no rewrite the toString method
Not address values: rewrite the toString method
String STR=new String (" aaaa ");
System.out.println(str);//aaaa String class overrides the toString method

Random r=new Random();
System. The out. Println (r);//Java. Util. Random @ 74 a14482 the Random class without rewriting the toString method

Scanner sc=new Scanner (System. In);
System. The out. Println (sc);//Java. Util. Scanner [delimiters=\ p {javaWhitespace} +] [position=0] [ma Scanner class overrides the toString method

ArrayList List=new ArrayList<> (a);
System.out.println(list);//[1, 2] the ArrayList class rewrite the toString method

Object class of the equals method
Public class Student {
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