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Excuse me each teacher error can't from the element type Object into the Field, how to solve th


Public class PreGaugeResultPageModel extends PageModel
Public static final String TAG_ID="tag5243";

Protected void initPageMetaStruct ()
LfwView main=getPageMeta (.) getView (" main ");

It httpRequest=LfwRuntimeEnvironment. GetWebContext (.) getRequest ();

String pk_eva_appraiser=httpRequest. GetParameter (" pk ");

The int type=Integer. ParseInt (httpRequest. GetParameter (" type "));
AppLifeCycleContext. Current (). GetApplicationContext () addAppAttribute (" type ", an Integer. The valueOf (type));

String isShowTurnBack=null;
If (httpRequest. GetParameter (" isShowTurnBack ")!=null) {
IsShowTurnBack=httpRequest. GetParameter (" isShowTurnBack ");

If ((isShowTurnBack!=null) & amp; & (" N ". The equals (isShowTurnBack)))
ExtHandMethod (main);

Int schMode=initPage (main pk_eva_appraiser);
UIMeta um=(UIMeta) getUIMeta ();
UITabComp tabComp=(UITabComp) um. FindChildById (" tag5243 ");
The List itemList=tabComp. GetPanelList ();
If ((schMode==2) | | (schMode==3))
UITabItem tabGauge=(UITabItem) itemList. Get (0);
TabGauge. SetText (NCLangRes4VoTransl. GetNCLangRes () getStrByID (" c_pe - res ", "0 c_pe - res0133"));
TabGauge. SetI18nName (" 0 c_pe - res0133 ");
TabGauge. SetLangDir (" c_pe - res ");

ChangeGrid (main);

if (type !
If (type==2)
ItemList. Remove (0);

UIFlowvLayout flowvLayout=(UIFlowvLayout) um. FindChildById (" flowvlayout7333 ");
FlowvLayout. RemovePanel ((UIFlowvPanel) um. FindChildById (" panelv07333 "));
} else if (type==3)
ItemList. Remove (1);
Super. InitPageMetaStruct ();

Private void extHandMethod LfwView (main) {
The Dataset dsGaugeIndi=main getViewModels (.) getDataset (" dsGaugeIndi ");
The Dataset gridAppraiser=main getViewModels (.) getDataset (" dsAppraiser ");
The List fieldList=dsGaugeIndi. GetFieldSet (.) getFieldList ();
The List gridAppraiserFieldList=gridAppraiser. GetFieldSet (.) getFieldList ();

GridComp GridComp=(GridComp). The main getViewComponents () getComponent (
GridComp gridAppraiserComp=(GridComp). The main getViewComponents () getComponent (
GridComp. SetAutoRowHeight (Boolean. The valueOf (true));
The Map Map=new HashMap ();

The map. The put (" pk_indi_type_linkname ", an Integer. The valueOf (1));
The map. The put (" indiname ", an Integer. The valueOf (1));
The map. The put (" value_fact ", an Integer. The valueOf (1));

The Map map2=new HashMap ();

Map2. Put (" value_start ", an Integer. The valueOf (1));
Map2. Put (" value_challenge ", an Integer. The valueOf (1));
Map2. Put (" pk_guage_indi_standard ", an Integer. The valueOf (1));

For (Field Field: fieldList {
)String id=field. GetId ();
GridColumn score_column=gridComp. GetElementById (id);
If (score_column!=null) {
{if (map. Either containsKey (id))
If (score_column==null) {
Score_column. SetAutoExpand (true);
{if (map2. Either containsKey (id))
Score_column. SetVisible (true);
Score_column. SetAutoExpand (true);
If (id. Equals (" value_start ")) {
Score_column. SetI18nName (" ");
Score_column. SetText (" criteria ");
} else if (id) equals (" value_challenge ")) {
Score_column. SetI18nName (" ");
Score_column. SetText (" indicators norm ");
Score_column. SetAutoExpand (false);

Score_column. SetTextAlign (" center ");


For (Field Field: gridAppraiserFieldList {
)String id=field. GetId ();
GridColumn score_column=gridAppraiserComp. GetElementById (id);
If (score_column!=null) {
If (id. Equals (" appraiser_status ")) {
GridColumn zero_column=(GridColumn) gridAppraiserComp. GetColumn (0);
Int oldIndex=score_column. GetIndex ();
Score_column. SetIndex (0);
Zero_column. SetIndex (oldIndex);
Score_column. SetTextAlign (" center ");
Score_column. SetAutoExpand (true);

MenuItem item=new MenuItem ();
Item. SetEnabled (true);
Item. SetId (" update ");
Item. SetModifiers (2);
Item. The setText (" modify ");
Item. SetVisible (true);
EventConf event=MouseEvent. GetOnClickEvent ();
OnUpdate event. SetMethodName (" ");
Item. AddEventConf (event);

MenuItem item2=new MenuItem ();
Item2. SetEnabled (true);
Item2. SetId (" save ");
Item2. SetModifiers (2);
Item2. SetText (" save ");
Item2. SetVisible (true);

EventConf event2=MouseEvent. GetOnClickEvent ();
Event2. SetMethodName (" the save ");
EventSubmitRule rule=new EventSubmitRule ();
ViewRule wr=new ViewRule ();
Wr. SetId (main getId ());
DatasetRule DSR=new DatasetRule ();
The DSR. SetId (" dsGaugeIndi ");
The DSR. SetType (" ds_all_line ");
Wr. AddDsRule (DSR);
Rule. AddWidgetRule (wr);
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