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C function object operator () how to use Delphi to express


One of the c + + struct typedef struct _tagEQDATA function object operator () (int, int), in comparison, return a pointer to a function
EQVARIENT * operator () (const unsigned int code, const unsigned int indicator, const unsigned int the date=0)
If (valueArray. NSize==0)
Return pEQVar;

If (valueArray nSize!=codeArray) nSize * dateArray) nSize * indicatorArray nSize)
Return pEQVar;

If (code & lt; CodeArray. NSize & amp; & Indicator & lt; IndicatorArray. NSize & amp; & The date & lt; DateArray. NSize)
Int nIndex=codeArray) nSize * indicatorArray) nSize * date + indicatorArray nSize * code + indicator;
PEQVar=valueArray. PEQVarient;
PEQVar +=nIndex;

Return pEQVar;

This structure the function object in how to use the Delphi, express record
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