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O bosses help me look at the c language list which is out of question



Typedef int Elemtype;
Typedef struct LNode//define a structure
Elemtype data;//node data fields
struct LNode *next;//node pointer field
} LNode * LinkList;//pointer type

Int InitList (LinkList L)//singly linked lists with a head node initialization
L=(LinkList) malloc (sizeof (LNode));
if (! L)//storage allocation failure out
Printf (" allocates memory failed! \n");
L - & gt; Next=NULL;//the length and width of the table is null
return 0;

Int LengthList LinkList (L)//length calculation list
Int length=0;
LinkList p;
P=L - & gt; Next;
While (p)
P=p - & gt; Next;
Return length;

Int GetElem (int I LinkList L, Elemtype e)//returns the ith a L e element value
LinkList p;//initialization, p to first finally, counter j=1
Int j=1;
P=L - & gt; Next;//order list scan back until p is empty or p points to the ith element
While (p & amp; & J & lt; I)
P=p - & gt; Next;//p points to the next element
+ + j;
if (! P | | j & gt; I)//I illegal
Printf (" query less than the element! \n");
return 0;
E=p - & gt; The data;
return 0;

Void CreateList_F (LinkList L, int n)//head method to create a singly linked list, n to the number of elements in the insert
int i;
LinkList p;
L=(LinkList) malloc (sizeof (LNode));
L - & gt; Next=NULL;
Printf (" please input you want to insert the number of elements: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; N);
Printf (" please enter your inserted element values (separated by a space) : ");
For (I=n; I & gt; 0; - I)
P=(LNode *) malloc (sizeof (LNode));
Scanf_s (" % d ", & amp; P - & gt; The data);
P - & gt; Next=L - & gt; Next;
L - & gt; Next=p;


Int InsertList_L (int I LinkList L, Elemtype e)//in the position I insert elements in L e
LinkList p, s;
int j=0;
While (p & amp; & J & lt; I)//looking for node I - 1
P=p - & gt; Next;
+ + j;
if (! P | | j & gt; I) exit (1);//I is greater than the long table + 1 or less than 1
S=(LinkList) malloc (sizeof (LNode));//generate new node s
S - & gt; Data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/e;//the node data fields set to e
S - & gt; Next=p - & gt; Next;//insert node s L
P - & gt; Next=s;
return 0;

Int DeleteList_L (LinkList L, int I)//delete the L of the ith element, and returns its value e
LinkList p, q;
int j=0;
Printf (" please enter to delete node location: ");

While (p - & gt; Next & amp; & J & lt; I - 1)//find the ith node, and makes the p points to its precursor
P=p - & gt; Next;
+ + j;
if (! (p - & gt; Next) | | j & gt; I) exit (1);//delete position unreasonable
Q=p - & gt; Next;//temporary storage to be deleted node address for release
P - & gt; Next=q - & gt; Next;/change/delete nodes of precursor pointer field
return 0;

Void ShowList (LinkList L)//print the whole list
LinkList p;
P=L - & gt; Next;
If (p==NULL)
Printf (" this is an empty list! \n");
Printf (" singly linked lists ");
While (p)
Printf (" - & gt; % d ", p - & gt; The data);
P=p - & gt; Next;

The main ()
LinkList L;
int n;
Int I, k;
Printf (" singly linked lists operation: \ n ");
Printf (" \ t1 head interpolation based singly linked lists \ n ");
Printf (" \ t2. Output singly linked lists \ n ");
Printf (" \ n \ t3 delete nodes ");
Printf (" \ t4 exit \ n ");

Printf (" choose the required functions: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; K);
The switch (k)
Case 1: CreateList_F (L, n);
Case 2: printf (" singly linked lists is: \ n ");
ShowList (L);

Case 3:
DeleteList_L (L, I);

Case 4: printf (" quit ");
Default: printf (" input error \ n ");
} the while (1);

CodePudding user response:

 int InitList (LinkList L) 
L=(LinkList) malloc (sizeof (LNode));//modify parameters of no use, leave the function parameter was end
if (! L)
Printf (" allocates memory failed! \n");
L - & gt; Next=NULL;
return 0;

CodePudding user response:

Complete C and C + + tutorial: https://blog.csdn.net/it_xiangqiang/category_10581430.html
C and C + + algorithm complete tutorial: https://blog.csdn.net/it_xiangqiang/category_10768339.html

CodePudding user response:

 # include 

Typedef int Elemtype;
Typedef struct LNode//define a structure
Elemtype data;//node data fields
struct LNode *next;//node pointer field
} LNode * LinkList;//pointer type

Int InitList (LinkList L)//singly linked lists with a head node initialization
L=(LinkList) malloc (sizeof (LNode));
if (! L)//storage allocation failure out
Printf (" allocates memory failed! \n");
L - & gt; Next=NULL;//the length and width of the table is null
return 0;

Int LengthList LinkList (L)//length calculation list
Int length=0;
LinkList p;
P=L - & gt; Next;
While (p)
P=p - & gt; Next;
Return length;

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