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The Eclipse shortcuts


Eclipse has the following some shortcuts, and edit the
ALT +/1. []
The shortcut key for the user to edit a good helper, can provide users with auxiliary content, do not worry. Remember not all method and attribute names, when it is not the whole class, the name of methods and properties, more experience/ALT +/benefits of shortcuts,

2. [Ctrl + O]
According to methods and properties in the class of outline, can quickly positioning methods and properties of a class, is very useful when looking for bugs,

3. [Ctrl +/]
Can quickly add comments, cursor or selected lines quickly add comments or uncomment, may always need to comment something when debugging or uncomment, right now, don't need to be repeated in a row,

4. [Ctrl + D)
Delete the current line, which is also the author of one of the favorite, no need to delete a line and press delete button so many times,

5. [Ctrl + M)
Window to maximize and reduction, the user to operate in a window, will always think of the current window small (especially when writing code), right now, try [Ctrl + M] shortcuts,

To view and positioning shortcuts

In the program, positioning the location of the code quickly, quickly find a Bug, it is very not easy thing, Eclipse provides a powerful search function, can be done using the following shortcuts to help locating,

1. [Ctrl + K], [Ctrl++ Shift + K]
Rapid upward and downward for the selected content, never need to use the mouse to click the find dialog box,

2. [Ctrl + Shift + T)
Find work space (Workspace) build path can be found in the Java class files, not to find classes and painful, and can use the "*", "?" Wildcard characters, such as

3. [Ctrl + Shift + R]
And [Ctrl + Shift + T], find work space (Workspace) in all files (including Java file), can also use wildcards,

4. [Ctrl + Shift + G]
Find classes, methods and properties of reference, this is a very useful shortcuts, such as a method to modify reference code, can be achieved by [Ctrl + Shift + G] shortcut keys quickly locate all references to the location of this method,

5. [Ctrl + Shift + O]
Quickly generate import, when copying a program from the Internet, the call to do not know how to import into class, try [Ctrl + Shift + O] shortcuts, there must be a pleasant surprise,

6. [Ctrl + Shift + F]
Formatting code, write code format specification is required of every programmer's class, when see a piece of code very pleasing to the eye, is selected according to the [Ctrl + Shift + F] shortcuts can format the code, if the code is not selected the default formatting the current file (Java file),

ALT + Shift + 7. [W]
Find the path of the current file all project, can quickly locate the position of the browser view, if you want to find a file in the package, this is very useful shortcuts (especially in the larger projects),

8. [Ctrl + L)
A row, orientation to the current editor is effective on the Java file,

9. [Alt + please], and [Alt +]
Back history and history forward, is very useful when tracking code, users may find several places are associated, but may can not remember clearly chu, can through the two shortcuts, locating order

10. [F3]
Quickly locate the cursor location of a particular class, methods and properties,

11. [F4]
Show the class inheritance relationships, and open the view class hierarchy,

Debugging shortcut keys

Eclipse has the following some shortcuts, and run the debug related

1. [Ctrl + Shift + B] : in the current line breakpoint or cancel set breakpoints,
2. [F11] : debug the last execution of the program,
3. [Ctrl + F11] : run the last execution of the program,
4. (F5) : tracking method, when the program execution to a certain way, you can press (F5) to track method,
5. [F6] : single step procedure,
6. (F7) : the execution of the method, return to this method is called after a statement,
7. (F8) : to continue to the next breakpoint or end of the program,

Commonly used editor shortcuts

Text editors usually provides some shortcuts, and edit related in Eclipse can also through these shortcuts for text editing,
1. [Ctrl + C] : copy,
2. [Ctrl + X] : shear,
3. [Ctrl + V] : paste,
4. [Ctrl + S] : save the file,
5. [Ctrl + Z] : revocation,
6. [Ctrl + Y] : repeat,
7. [Ctrl + F] : lookup,

Other shortcuts

Eclipse has many shortcuts to list, the user can through the documentation to find ways to use them, there are also several commonly used shortcut keys as follows,
1. [Ctrl + F6] : switch to the next editor,
2. [Ctrl + Shift + F6] : switch to the on an editor,
3. [Ctrl + F7] : switch to the next view,
4. [Ctrl + Shift + F7] : switch to the on a view,
5. [Ctrl + F8] : switch to the next perspective,
6. [Ctrl + Shift + F8] : switch to the on a perspective,

Ctrl + 1 quick fix (most classic shortcuts, need not say more)
Ctrl + D: delete the current line
Ctrl + Alt + left copy current line down to the next line (copy)
Ctrl + Alt + write copy current line to the line (copy)
Alt + left below the current line and a line of interactive location (particularly useful, can save to cut, paste again)
Alt + write current line interact with the top row position (ditto)
Alt + please before an editor page
Alt + - next to edit the page (in view of the above that is of course)
Alt + Enter to display the currently selected resource (engineering, or the file or files) attributes of the
Shift + Enter to insert a blank line under the current row line (at this time the mouse can be in any position, the current row is not necessarily the last)
Shift + Ctrl + Enter in the current row insert a blank line principle (ditto)
Ctrl + Q location where the final edit
Ctrl + L positioned in a row (for more than 100 people have the Gospel)
Ctrl + M to maximize the current Edit or View (then vice)
Ctrl +/comment the current line, then uncomment
Ctrl + O quickly show the OutLine
Ctrl + T fast display the current class inheritance structure
Ctrl + W to close the current Editer
Ctrl + K with reference to the selected Word quickly locate to the next
Ctrl + E rapid display the current Editer drop-down list (if the current page is not shown in bold)
Ctrl +/(small keyboard) fold all the code in the current class
Ctrl + x (pad) all the code in the current class
Ctrl + Space code assistant to complete some code insertion (but generally and input method have conflict, you can change the input method of hot keys, can also be made Alt +/replace)
Ctrl + Shift + E shows all currently open View of the manager (can choose to shut down, the activation, etc.)
Ctrl + J positive incremental search (press Ctrl + J, after you enter each letter editor provides a quick match positioning to a word, if not, then the stutes showed no found in line, look up a word, particularly useful, this feature Idea two years ago, there was)
Ctrl + Shift + J reverse incremental search (and on the same, only from the front after check)
Ctrl + Shift + F4 to close all open Editer
Ctrl + Shift + X to the currently selected text sour all lowercase
Ctrl + Shift + Y all the currently selected text to lowercase
Ctrl + Shift + F format the current code
Ctrl + Shift + P positioning to the for clause (such as {}) (from behind the front position, the cursor should in a match, back to the front, the vice)

(note: general refactoring shortcuts are Alt + Shift at the beginning of the)
Alt + Shift + R Rename (is my favorite one, especially the Rename variables and class, than manual method can save a lot of labor)
Alt + Shift + M extraction method (this is refactoring inside one of the most commonly used method, especially useful for a lot of mud pie code)
(Alt + Shift + C modify function structure is more practical, have N function calls the method, modified once done)
Alt + Shift + L extract local variable (can put some magic Numbers and strings extracting directly into a variable, especially when several calls)
Alt + Shift + F the local variable into a field in the Class variables (practical)
Alt + Shift + I combined variable (may say that is a little wrong with the Inline)
Alt + Shift + V mobile functions and variables (less common)
Alt + Shift + Z refactoring regret medicine (Undo)

Scope function shortcut keys
Global search and replace Ctrl + F
A text editor to find a Ctrl + Shift + K
Text editor to find next Ctrl + K
Global undo Ctrl + Z
Global replication Ctrl + C
An option on the global recovery Alt + Shift + left
Global shear Ctrl + X
Global quick-fixes Ctrl1 + 1
Global content assist Alt +/
Global select Ctrl + A
Global Delete Delete
Alt + global context information?
Alt + Shift +?
Ctrl + Shift + Space
The Java editor shows the tooltip description F2
Java editor select enclosing element Alt + Shift + write
The Java editor select an element on the Alt + Shift + please
The Java editor to choose the next element Alt + Shift + ->
Incremental search text editor Ctrl + J
Text editor incremental reverse lookup Ctrl + Shift + J
Global paste Ctrl + V
Global redo Ctrl + Y

Scope function shortcut keys
Global zoom Ctrl +=
Global shrink Ctrl + -

Scope function shortcut keys
Global activation editor F12
Global switch editors Ctrl + Shift + W
An editor on the global Ctrl + Shift + F6
A view on the global Ctrl + Shift + F7
A perspective on global Ctrl + Shift + F8
The next global editor Ctrl + F6
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