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Web Service interface to access to success. But to accept less than the information returned interfa


WDSL after import the generated interface definition
Dm=interface (IInvokable)
[' {EBB2D257-0494 - BE5C - 1055 - EF4FF09B1A56} ']

//always unwrap:
//- Input element wrapper name does not match the operation 's name
The function echo (const echoRequest: echoRequest) : echoResponse; Stdcall;

Access interface code:
_CancelechoResponse:=dmz2. Echo (_CancelechoRequest)

Caught the return information of

Now through Fiddler 4 caught, you can see the interface the information returned, but _CancelechoResponse didn't receive any information in it;

Program error screenshots, the debug is on a visit to CancelechoResponse when

Confirmed several CancelechoResponse inside the initialization I initialization?
To find the problem for a long time, really can't, I ask you advice
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