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There is a program, one of the function is not called, but also carried out, why?


Same function in the following program and had not been called, but the execution, and delete this function doesn't work, why?
Thank you

Import the Java. IO. InputStream;
Import the Java. Util. Iterator;
Import the Java. Util. LinkedHashMap;
Import the Java. Util. The Map;

Import javax.mail, XML parsers. A ParserConfigurationException;

The import org, apache poi. Openxml4j. Opc. OPCPackage;
The import org, apache poi. Openxml4j. Opc. PackageAccess;
The import org. Apache. Poi. Util. XMLHelper;
The import org, apache poi. XSSF. Eventusermodel. XSSFReader;
The import org, apache poi. XSSF. Model. SharedStringsTable;
The import org. XML. Sax. Attributes;
The import org. XML.. Sax ContentHandler.
The import org. XML. Sax. InputSource;
The import org. XML. Sax. SAXException;
The import org. XML. Sax. XMLReader;
The import org. XML. Sax. Helpers. DefaultHandler;

/* *
* XSSF and SAX Event (API), basic example.
* See {@ link XLSX2CSV} for a fuller example of doing
* XSLX processing with the XSSF Event code.
@ SuppressWarnings ({" Java: S106 ", "Java: S4823", "Java: S1192"})
Public class test {
Public void processFirstSheet (String filename) throws the Exception {
Try (OPCPackage PKG=OPCPackage. Open (filename, PackageAccess. READ)) {
XSSFReader r=new XSSFReader (PKG);
R. gutierrez etSharedStringsTable SharedStringsTable SST=();

The XMLReader parser=fetchSheetParser (SST);

//process the first sheet
Try (InputStream r. gutierrez etSheetsData sheet=(). The next ()) {
InputSource sheetSource=new InputSource (sheet);
Parser. Parse (sheetSource);

Public XMLReader fetchSheetParser SharedStringsTable (SST) throws SAXException, a ParserConfigurationException {
The XMLReader parser=XMLHelper. NewXMLReader ();
ContentHandler handler=new SheetHandler (SST);
Parser. SetContentHandler (handler);
Return parser.

/* *
* See org. XML. Sax. Helpers. DefaultHandler javadocs
Private static class SheetHandler extends DefaultHandler {
Private final SharedStringsTable SST;
Private String lastContents;
Private Boolean nextIsString;
Private Boolean inlineStr;
Private final LruCache LruCache=new LruCache<> (50);

Private static class LruCache Extends LinkedHashMap {
Private final int maxEntries;

Public LruCache (final int maxEntries) {
Super (maxEntries + 1 and 1.0 f, true);
Enclosing maxEntries=maxEntries;

@ Override
Protected Boolean removeEldestEntry (final Map. Entry Eldest) {
Return super size () & gt; MaxEntries;

Private SheetHandler SharedStringsTable (SST) {
This. SST=SST;

@ Override
Public void startElement (String uri, String localName, String name,
The Attributes Attributes) throws SAXException {
//c=& gt; The cell
If (name. Equals (" c ")) {
//Print the cell reference
System. The out. Print (attributes. GetValue (" r ") + "-");
//Figure out if the value is an index in the SST
String cellType=attributes. The getValue (" t ");
NextIsString=cellType!=null & amp; & CellType. Equals (" s ");
InlineStr=cellType!=null & amp; & InlineStr cellType. Equals (" ");
//the Clear contents cache

//@ Override
Public void same (String uri, String localName, String name) throws SAXException
If (nextIsString & amp; & ! LastContents. The trim (). The isEmpty ())
The Integer independence idx=Integer. The valueOf (lastContents);
LastContents=lruCache. Get (independence idx);
If (lastContents==null & amp; & ! LruCache. Either containsKey (independence idx))
LastContents=SST. GetItemAt (independence idx). Get string ();
LruCache. Put (independence idx lastContents);
If (name. Equals (" v ") | | (inlineStr & amp; & Name. The equals (" c ")))
System. The out. Println (lastContents);

@ Override
Public void characters (char [] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {//NOSONAR
LastContents +=new String (ch, start and length).

Public static void main (String [] args) throws the Exception {
The test howto=new test ();
Howto. ProcessFirstSheet (args [0]);
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