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Netty memory please god to see


Company of a project with the client on netty interaction, just start the project all normal but after a day or two began to report the following error
Io.net ty. Util. Internal. OutOfDirectMemoryError: failed to the allocate 16777216 byte (s) of direct memory (259522560) 2:251658240, Max:
At io.net, ty. Util. Internal. PlatformDependent. IncrementMemoryCounter (PlatformDependent. Java: 624)
At io.net, ty. Util. Internal. PlatformDependent. AllocateDirectNoCleaner (PlatformDependent. Java: 578)
At io.net ty. Buffer. PoolArena $DirectArena. AllocateDirect (PoolArena. Java: 718)
At io.net ty. Buffer. PoolArena $DirectArena. NewChunk (PoolArena. Java: 707)
At io.net ty. Buffer. PoolArena. AllocateNormal (PoolArena. Java: 239)
At io.net, ty. Buffer. PoolArena. The allocate (PoolArena. Java: 221)
At io.net, ty. Buffer. PoolArena. The allocate (PoolArena. Java: 141)
At io.net ty. Buffer. PooledByteBufAllocator. NewDirectBuffer (PooledByteBufAllocator. Java: 287)
At io.net ty. Buffer. AbstractByteBufAllocator. DirectBuffer (AbstractByteBufAllocator. Java: 179)
At io.net ty. Buffer. AbstractByteBufAllocator. DirectBuffer (AbstractByteBufAllocator. Java: 170)
At io.net ty. Buffer. AbstractByteBufAllocator. IoBuffer (AbstractByteBufAllocator. Java: 131)
At io.net, ty. Channel. DefaultMaxMessagesRecvByteBufAllocator $MaxMessageHandle. The allocate (DefaultMaxMessagesRecvByteBufAllocator. Java: 73)
At io.net ty. Channel. Nio. AbstractNioByteChannel $NioByteUnsafe. Read (117) AbstractNioByteChannel. Java:
At io.net, ty. Channel. Nio. NioEventLoop. ProcessSelectedKey (NioEventLoop. Java: 642)
At io.net, ty. Channel. Nio. NioEventLoop. ProcessSelectedKeysOptimized (NioEventLoop. Java: 565)
At io.net, ty. Channel. Nio. NioEventLoop. ProcessSelectedKeys (NioEventLoop. Java: 479)
At io.net, ty. Channel. Nio. NioEventLoop. Run (NioEventLoop. Java: 441)
At io.net ty. Util. Concurrent. SingleThreadEventExecutor $5. The run (858) SingleThreadEventExecutor. Java:
At io.net ty. Util. Concurrent. DefaultThreadFactory $DefaultRunnableDecorator. Run (144) DefaultThreadFactory. Java:
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

CodePudding user response:

Link channel to have the close, is close in the finally,
How much is the number of simultaneous connections, how much message size, start to see how much memory allocation,
From the several aspects under the self-check code,

CodePudding user response:

The building Lord solved excuse me? My project also appears the question, I don't have much connection count, a few long connection, the client report data much more special, so in a couple of days

CodePudding user response:

I am out of the question, was solved

CodePudding user response:

[netty heap memory leak screening feast] (http://www.jiangxinlingdu.com/practice/2018/09/04/netty-outofheap.html)

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

Someone to solve,,,,,,,,,
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