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Use of OpenCV view IP camera video, a great god please come in


Excuse me each great god, and I in the use of OpenCV (2.4.9 version) to check the IP camera video, appeared very serious flower screen (pictured), how to solve this problem? Please give idea or method,

CodePudding user response:

Should be a place to set not ah

CodePudding user response:

This is the image data, read the time of the pixel values frames, appear such problem:
1, hardware camera problem; Change a camera (try)
2, the network transmission problems; (routing, switches, network card)
Problem 3, the computer (slow, too late)
4, the problem of software code...

CodePudding user response:

Thank you two advice, I am such set (written in Delphi XE) :
Procedure TForm1. Button4Click (Sender: TObject);
The capture: PCvCapture;
PFrame srcImage: PIplImage;
The begin
Capture:=cvCreateFileCapture (" RTSP:// Password=& amp; The channel=1 & amp; The stream=0. SDP? Real_stream ');
PFrame:=cvQueryFrame (Capture);
SrcImage:=cvCreateImage (cvSize (pframe. Width, pframe. Height), pframe. The depth, 3);
While true do begin
PFrame:=cvQueryFrame (Capture);
CvCopy (pframe srcImage, Nil);
CvShowImage (" ', srcimage);
If cvwaitkey (30)=27 then break;
CvReleaseCapture (Capture);
CvReleaseImage (srcImage);
I didn't do other setting, please help have a look, where there is something wrong with the Settings?
Other note:
The same camera, the same network environment, the same computer, use VLC player, PASLIBVLCPlayer player during video playback, no problem, so, don't like the camera hardware, network and computer problems
There should be some other Settings? Please advise,

CodePudding user response:

How do you do want to ask you webcam no development kit, but now I realize that IP can open the browser to do development?

CodePudding user response:

1, IP network camera, there should be a general development kit, you want to see the IP network camera use chips, find the same chip development kit, should be feasible,
2, the IP network camera can through the browser, browsing, but is typically Activex, or OCX plug-in,
3, through a third party control is also a kind of method,

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

I also encountered this problem, let me have someone is ffmpeg

CodePudding user response:

Your problem solved? How to solve? You can share it to me?
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