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Help: Java receiving PHP to participate


Today and third-party debugging interface, they are the PHP, format is application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded.
Pass and format {
"StationId" : "20017",
"StationName" : "tt \ u6d4b \ u8bd5 \ u6cb9 \ u7ad92",
"LNG" : "114.07725800",
"Lat" : "22.53609500",
"Address", "\ u5e7f \ u4e1c \ u7701 \ u6df1 \ u5733 \ u5e02 \ u798f \ u7530 \ u533a \ u798f \ u7530 \ u8857 \ u9053 \ u798f \ u534e \ u8def \ u57ce \ u5e02 \ u6770 \ u5ea7 \ u540d \ u82d1",
"Tel" : "13333333333",
"Status" : 1,
"IsStop: 0,
"IsHighspeed" : 1,
"Channel", "0",
"Is_input_money" : "0",
"Opentime" : "- 23:59,"
"ProvinceCode" : "440000",
"CityCode" : "440300",
"AreaCode" : "440304",
"Fuels" : [
"Sf_id" : "546819",
"Status" : "0",
"Price" : "460",
"FuelNo" : "4001",
"FuelName" : "LNG,"
"FuelLevel" : "\ u56fd \ u2165,"
"NationalPrice" : "550"
"Logo" : "HTTP: \ \/timages. Nucarf. Cn \ \/Image \ 2020\0603 \//5 ed766c192e8f. PNG",
"Brand_name" : "\ u4e2d \ u77f3 \ u6cb9,"
"Tags" : [
"\ u975e \ u9ad8 \ u901f \ u8def"
"Is_discount" : 0
Receiving less than: fuels and tags two parameters, every time is null, the postman simulation can be, collapse!!!!!!
Two parameters method: one @ RequestParam Map JsonObject a written, all parameters are self-test through
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