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File open failed, please, advice, detailed questions below


//headers. H
Struct BinaryData {double Data; BinaryData * Next; };
//input binary data
Int InputBinaryData (BinaryData * & amp;);
//exchange element
Void Swap (double& , double&);
list since the childhoodVoid ListSortUp (BinaryData * & amp;);
//create a binary file
Void CreateAscendingOrderBinaryFile (char *);

//implementation. CPP
# include & lt; Iostream>
# include & lt; Fstream>
# include "header. H
"using namespace std;
//input binary data and return a list of chain length
Int InputBinaryData (BinaryData * & amp; HeadOfList)
Int ListLength=0;
LinkPoint BinaryData * NewPoint=NULL, *=NULL;
Cout & lt; <"Please input data, end please click " Ctrl + Z \ "key combination:";
NewPoint=new BinaryData;
While (cin & gt;> NewPoint - & gt; Data)
If (HeadOfList==NULL) {HeadOfList=NewPoint; }
The else
If (LinkPoint!=NULL) {LinkPoint - & gt; Next=NewPoint; }
The else {cout & lt; <"Pointer error... \n"; Abort (); }
ListLength=ListLength + 1;
NewPoint=new BinaryData;
If (LinkPoint!=NULL) {LinkPoint - & gt; Next=NULL; }
The delete NewPoint;
Return ListLength;
//exchange element
Void Swap (double& Data1, double& Data2)
Double ExchangeData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/0.0;
Data1 Data2=;
//to smallest to list
Void ListSortUp (BinaryData * & amp; HeadOfList)
BinaryData * FormerPoint=NULL, * LatterPoint=NULL;
For (FormerPoint=HeadOfList; FormerPoint!=NULL & amp; & FormerPoint - & gt; Next!=NULL; FormerPoint=FormerPoint - & gt; Next)
For (LatterPoint=FormerPoint - & gt; Next; LatterPoint!=NULL; LatterPoint=LatterPoint - & gt; Next)
If (FormerPoint - & gt; The Data & gt; LatterPoint - & gt; Data) {Swap (FormerPoint - & gt; The Data, LatterPoint - & gt; The Data); }
//create a binary file
Void CreateAscendingOrderBinaryFile (char * FileName)
Int ListLength=0, Subscript=0;
BinaryData * HeadOfList=NULL;
Fstream BinaryFile;
//input file name
Cout & lt; <"Please input file:";
FileName=new char [100].
Cin. Getline (FileName, 100);
//open the file
BinaryFile. Open (FileName, the ios: : out | ios: : binary);
if (! BinaryFile) {cerr & lt; <"File cannot be created or opened... \n"; Abort (); }
//input data
ListLength=InputBinaryData (HeadOfList);
//used to sort the data
ListSortUp (HeadOfList);
//to write data into the binary file
For (; Subscript & lt; ListLength; Subscript Subscript +=1)
BinaryFile. Write ((char *) & amp; HeadOfList - & gt; The Data, sizeof (double));
Cout & lt; HeadOfList=HeadOfList - & gt; Next;
//close the file
BinaryFile. Close ();

//the main function. The CPP
# include & lt; Iostream>
# include
# include "header. H
"using namespace std;
Int main ()
Char * File1=NULL, * File2=NULL;
CreateAscendingOrderBinaryFile (File1);
CreateAscendingOrderBinaryFile (File2);
The delete [] File1;
The delete [] File2;

[question] : input the first file name and the data is no problem, but the time to open the second file open failed, I look at the baidu said need "BinaryFile. The clear ()" this function will flow state, but I'm not add to (the) is not above, I am not familiar with respect to the operation this, find out problems, request, some directions, thank you!!!!!
[error screenshot] :