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Write and debug student performance classification program (a total of 50 points)

[] program function will be ordered by the student's test scores, and output to the screen,


Define the traffic civil Student, base class Student common attributes for the

Int Sid.//student id

Char * Sname;//name

Char Ssex [4].//gender

Int Eng;//English, learning can be divided into 4

Int MATH;//math, the study is divided into 6

Float G;//comprehensive score=(English * 4 + * 6) in math/10.0

A member function is as follows:

Int Less Student (s) to compare the two objects the comprehensive scores of size

Void the Output () Output object information

Void SumG () comprehensive score

To derive two broad categories: take c + + and MATLAB choice of, the name of the class CppStudent and MatlabStudent, grades and MATLAB c + + is not into the comprehensive results,

Void the Output () Output object information

Void main () function to finish the following function

In the main function defined in the Student pointer array students [10]. Please to think why is Student pointer array ()

Set up 10 times a cycle, from the keyboard input information, respectively CppStudent and MatlabStudent object and deposited in the students to create an array,

According to the students' comprehensive performance size from big to small output each object information, (can only output the base class information)
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