Currently have a project to the collected data is displayed on PC, each channel of the data type is the same, began to consider using a label control to achieve, so each channel data, there are several dozens of channels, a such a label assignment too much trouble, but can't think out a good way to consider using database to another, made the indexes, channel address updated in real time database data, and then displayed in the corresponding associated controls perception; Just database data can be preserved, next time will show the corresponding channel data when it is open, but the address of the channel value is not fixed, does not exist in the show, they'll put channel data (previously reserved have corresponding address data) are also displayed, it's a bit awkward, don't want to write the database too often at the same time,
What method/ideas can put the data collected by real time display, data operation is not very troublesome, as long as the real-time display data is ok, don't save the data,
CodePudding user response:
Use a Memo or RichEdit, number of lines to a certain degree the Clear once more to