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How to sort columns except index column in a data frame in python after pivot


So I have a data frame

testdf = pd.DataFrame({"loc" : ["ab12","bc12","cd12","ab12","bc13","cd12"], "months" : 
         ["Jun21","Jun21","July21","July21","Aug21","Aug21"], "dept" : 
         ["dep1","dep2","dep3","dep2","dep1","dep3"], "count": [15, 16, 15, 92, 90, 2]})

That looks like this:

enter image description here

When I pivot it,

df =  pd.pivot_table(testdf, values = ['count'], index = ['loc','dept'], columns = ['months'], aggfunc=np.sum).reset_index()
df.columns = df.columns.droplevel(0)

it looks like this:

enter image description here

I am looking for a sort function which will sort only the months columns in sequence and not the first 2 columns i.e loc & dept.

when I try this:

df.sort_values(by = ['Jun21'],ascending = False, inplace = True, axis = 1, ignore_index=True)[2:]

it gives me error.

I want the columns to be in sequence Jun21, Jul21, Aug21

I am looking for something which will make it dynamic and I wont need to manually change the sequence when the month changes.

Any hint will be really appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

We can start by converting the column months in datetime like so :

>>> testdf.months = (pd.to_datetime(testdf.months, format="%b%y", errors='coerce'))
>>> testdf
    loc     months      dept    count
0   ab12    2021-06-01  dep1    15
1   bc12    2021-06-01  dep2    16
2   cd12    2021-07-01  dep3    15
3   ab12    2021-07-01  dep2    92
4   bc13    2021-08-01  dep1    90
5   cd12    2021-08-01  dep3    2

Then, we apply your code to get the pivot :

>>> df =  pd.pivot_table(testdf, values = ['count'], index = ['loc','dept'], columns = ['months'], aggfunc=np.sum).reset_index()
>>> df.columns = df.columns.droplevel(0)
>>> df
months  NaT     NaT     2021-06-01  2021-07-01  2021-08-01
0       ab12    dep1    15.0        NaN         NaN
1       ab12    dep2    NaN         92.0        NaN
2       bc12    dep2    16.0        NaN         NaN
3       bc13    dep1    NaN         NaN         90.0
4       cd12    dep3    NaN         15.0        2.0

And to finish we can reformat the column names using strftime to get the expected result :

>>> df.columns = df.columns.map(lambda t: t.strftime('%b%y') if pd.notnull(t) else '')
>>> df
months                  Jun21   Jul21   Aug21
0       ab12    dep1    15.0    NaN     NaN
1       ab12    dep2    NaN     92.0    NaN
2       bc12    dep2    16.0    NaN     NaN
3       bc13    dep1    NaN     NaN     90.0
4       cd12    dep3    NaN     15.0    2.0

CodePudding user response:

It is quite simple if you do using groupby

df = testdf.groupby(['loc', 'dept', 'months']).sum().unstack(level=2)
df = df.reindex(['Jun21', 'July21', 'Aug21'], axis=1, level=1)


months    Jun21 July21 Aug21
loc  dept                   
ab12 dep1  15.0    NaN   NaN
     dep2   NaN   92.0   NaN
bc12 dep2  16.0    NaN   NaN
bc13 dep1   NaN    NaN  90.0
cd12 dep3   NaN   15.0   2.0
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