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List search inside viewModel issue in Jetpack Compose


I am trying to make a name search functionality in a Compose project. I have a list of DummyClient, which I am using as my data source on a view model. I am trying to search this list, so the updated result can be shown on a LazyColumn, which is not returning any error but providing unexpected results.

class ClientViewModel : ViewModel() {
    private var _clients = MutableLiveData(dummyClients)
    val clients: LiveData<List<DummyClient>>
        get() = _clients

    fun searchClients(name: String) {
        val foundClients: List<DummyClient?> = listOf(dummyClients.find {
        _clients.value === foundClients

This ViewModel is passed to the ClientDirectoryScreen composable from the navigation, which displays a search bar and the client list on a LazyColumn:

val clientViewModel: ClientViewModel = ViewModel()
composable(Screen.Clients.route) {
        clientViewModel = clientViewModel
fun ClientDirectoryScreen(
    clientViewModel: ClientViewModel
) {
    val clients by clientViewModel.clients.observeAsState(listOf())
    val showSearchBar by clientViewModel.showSearchBar.observeAsState(false)

    if (clients.isNotEmpty()) {
        Column {

            // show the search bar on search icon click
            if (showSearchBar) ClientSearchCard(clientViewModel)

            LazyColumn(verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(4.dp)) {
                items(clients) { client ->

And the search bar invokes the search in the ViewModel, which doesn't reflect the search:

fun ClientSearchCard(clientViewModel: ClientViewModel) {
    var searchText by remember { mutableStateOf("") }

        modifier = Modifier
    ) {
            value = searchText,
            onValueChange = {
                searchText = it
            label = { Text("Search:") },
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()

If I log the search result in the view model, the search doesn't provide the correct result. Also, I don't see any state change for the clients variable in ClientDirectoryScreen.

CodePudding user response:

find will return you only one element, and the result is optional, because collection may have none.

Instead you can use filter on the collection: it'll return all matching elements:

val foundClients = dummyClients.filter {
_clients.value = foundClients
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