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DEV single-step tracking of the binary tree to create problems


This is me to write a binary tree to create code, I want a single-step tracking the creation of a binary tree, why in the add view panel on * t tell me input errors??
Or say should write other?? Please advise...

Typedef char elemtype;
Typedef struct Binode
Elemtype data;
Struct Binode * lchild;
Struct Binode * rchild;
} Binode;
Typedef Binode * Bitree;

Binode * CreatBitree Bitree (t)//sequence to create the tree before
Elemtype c;
The scanf (" % c ", & amp; C);
If (c=='#')
Return t;
The else
T=(Bitree) malloc (sizeof (Binode));
T - & gt; data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/c;
T - & gt; Lchild=CreatBitree (t - & gt; Lchild);
T - & gt; Rchild=CreatBitree (t - & gt; Rchild);
Return t;

Void PreOrder Bitree (t)//PreOrder traversal
If (t==NULL)
return ;
Printf (" % c ", t - & gt; The data);
PreOrder (t - & gt; Lchild);
PreOrder (t - & gt; Rchild);


Int main ()
int a;
int b;
Bitree t;
Printf (" sequence input before you want to create a tree: ");
T=CreatBitree (t);
Printf (" creating success!" );
PreOrder (t);
return 0;

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