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MFC using # import import ocx


Create an ocx, write a way:
 BSTR CAMFCocxTestCtrl: : ocxTest () 
Cstrings strResult;
//TODO: Add your dispatch handler code here

Return strResult. AllocSysString ();

Then create MFC a button:
 # import "AMFCocxTest. Ocx \ 
"No_namespace no_smart_pointers raw_interfaces_only \
Raw_native_types no_implementation named_guids

Void CMFCocx4Dlg: : OnButton1 ()
CoInitialize (NULL);
If (1)
_DAMFCocxTest * pOcx=0;
Retrieves the hr=CoCreateInstance (
CLSID_AMFCocxTest,//Com object identifiers
0,//a pointer to the interface IUnknown
CLSCTX_ALL,//running executable code context
DIID__DAMFCocxTest,//Com object interface identifier
Reinterpret_cast & lt; Void * * & gt; (& amp; POcx)//used to receiving address Com object interface pointer variable
Assert (SUCCEEDED (hr));
If (pOcx) {
POcx - & gt; OcxTest ();
POcx - & gt; Release ();

Compile error: error C2039: 'ocxTest' : is not a member of '_DAMFCocxTest'
What reason is this?
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