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The history of the database


1 a brief history of database development
The emergence and development of the database is the essential purpose of convenience of data management and application development,
The first form of data management is the file, this management way is the deficiency of the scattered data, centralized management, it is not convenient for data sharing,
Later, in 1961 the United States GE (General Electric) developed the first DBMS -- -- -- -- -- - "Integrated DataStore" (IDS) this is a network database management system (data model is a mesh model), IDS can only be GE host (host) produced by is GE, IDS database only corresponding to a file on the physical storage, but also through manual code to generate the data table, these are the disadvantage of IDS, in conclusion, attention should be paid to the first database in the world is the mesh model, is not a relational, produced the first database is the General Electric company, rather than IBM,
Parallel development is a hierarchical database and network database, IBM's 1968 "Information Managerment System (IMS) is a famous hierarchical databases, IMS is not the first hierarchical database, but is very famous, for IBM, IMS is IBM developed the first DBMS, visible to the IBM to the DBMS is not a relational DB2 (more than), but the hierarchical IMS,
Era of network database and hierarchical database, has solved the data scattered data in the form of a file management, centralized management, is not convenient to share the disadvantages, some more popular than hierarchical databases (network database), but the network and hierarchical database also have their shortcomings, the independence of the data is not big, the low level of abstraction, is the concrete embodiment of the data and the degree of binding of the underlying physical storage way too big, when accessing data, if you want to know the specific physical storage structure and storage paths, such a database when the data volume increase will be more and more difficult to deal with, but is extremely inconvenient for application development,
In order to solve the above problem, the Relational database, A Relational database is set in the solid mathematics achievement of (Relational algebra), 1970 IBM codd published A famous paper "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Bank" pulled open the prelude to A Relational database, and later, IBM according to this paper and relevant Relational algebra theory gradually improve eventually formed the SQL language,
In 1979, oracle launched a relational database, the first paragraph, the first to launch a relational database is not IBM, one of the first relational database are not IBM DB2.
Then somebody feels a relational database is very inconvenient when dealing with complex data structures, and puts forward the object-oriented database, referred to as OO (Object Oriented) database
Then a hybrid database, the database is represented by IBM DB2 V9 (2006), is called a hybrid database because the database supports both traditional SQL data type (is the general plastic, character and other data) and XML document data, the database allows users to handle traditional relational data and XML document type at the same time data, pay attention to the DB2 V9 for traditional relational data and XML document type in the underlying data or separately stored, but the underlying storage for the upper applications are opaque, means that the application does not need to pay attention to the traditional relational data and XML data in access mode distinguish, on both these underlying data type (traditional relational data and XML document data) storage configuration processing work is done automatically by DB2, so DB2 V9 is the milestone in many DB2 version,
Database events:
1969 IBM's IMS was born, this is the first generation of IBM's database, so also called IMS DB1 (after the relational database is the company of the second generation, so collectively DB2)
1970 IBM codd has published A paper "A Relational Model of Data forLarge Data Bank" pulled open the prelude to A Relational database
1973 IBM set up the System R project, the project aims to develop IBM's first relational database, and deploy the SQL for the first time, deployed for the first time the transaction, the System R is the second generation of IBM DB2 database which laid the foundation of,
1974 IBM Don Chamberlin and Ray Boyce published "A Structured English Query Language" this became the basis of the SQL standard in the future,
1975 IBM Don Chamberlin and Morton Astrahan paper "Implementation of Structured English Query Language" in the System is expounded in R SQL Implementation situation,
1976 IBM System R group published a paper "System R: Relational Approach to Database Managemen" this article illustrates the prototype of the Relational Database System R, IBM's Jim Gray after published "the Granularity of the Locks and Degreesof Consistency in a Shared Database" gives the concept of Database objects and each other, and for the Database concurrency theory laid the foundation,
1979 IBM Pat Selinger in paper "the Access Path Selection in aRelational Database Management System", "explains the relationship between the first in the industry of the query optimizer, which is the prototype of the DB2 Database optimizer,
1979 Oracle launched the world's first relational database product,
1980 S - 100 in the early a/CP/M company Cromemco Roger Sippl and Laura King developed a small relational database based on the technology of ISAM, as part of a report recorder software, 1980, two people left the Cromemco to engaged in the development of relational database system, in 1981 they released their first product - Informix (the abbreviation of "Information on UNIX"), (Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM, Indexed Sequential Access Method) was originally developed by IBM a file system, can be continuously (in the order they enter) or arbitrarily (according to the index) record any Access, each index defines a different arrangement of records,)
1982 IBM VSE/VM issued SQL/DS, SQL/DS is IBM's first commercial use of relational database products (SQL interface with the System R) as a forerunner of the later DB2 SQL/DS,
1984 sybase (the abbreviation of system database), the company was established in 1987, sybase unveiled the company's first relational database sybase SQL Server 1.0 note: sybase company was the first to put forward and is to achieve the client in its own product/service machine structure form of database systems,
1988 Microsoft teamed up with Sybase company development SQL Server, the first few years, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase company basic is exactly the same, until after the SQL Server 2005, Microsoft SQL Server has a significant improvements, from now on and Sybase products have significant difference,

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