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Write columns as rows (PostgreSQL)


I have a table:

campaign_id media installs content_view date unique_purchase
7564 google 613 45 2021-09-01 1
7564 facebook 21 33 2021-09-02 2
3451 google 83 12 2021-09-01 0

I want to create view:

  • write installs column values as metric_key=installs, metric_name=installs, metric_value=...
  • write content_view and unique_purchase as metric_key=event, metric_name=column_name, metric_value=...
id media_source metric_key metric_name metric_value date
7564 google installs installs 613 2021-09-01
7564 facebook installs installs 21 2021-09-02
3451 google installs installs 83 2021-09-01
7564 google event unique_purchase 1 2021-09-01
7564 facebook event unique_purchase 2 2021-09-02
3451 google event unique_purchase 0 2021-09-01
7564 google event content_view 45 2021-09-01
7564 facebook event content_view 33 2021-09-02
3451 google event content_view 12 2021-09-01

Also it should be groupped by campaign_id, media, date.

How to achieve it with Postgres? I dont understand crosstab clearly. Thanks!

CodePudding user response:

Use a lateral join:

select t.id, t.media_source, v.*, t.date
from t cross join lateral
     (values ('installs', t.installs, 'installs'),
             ('event', t.unique_purchase, 'unique_purchase'),
             ('event', t.content_view, 'content_view')
     ) v(metric_key, metric_name, metric_value);

CodePudding user response:

You can select specific subset of data and stack them on top of each other. One can assign column names directly in the select queries instead of using a CTE. It's just a personal preference.

create view my_metric_view as

with cte (id, media_source, metric_key, metric_name, metric_value, date) as

(select campaign_id,
 from t
 where metric_name='installs'

 union all

 select campaign_id,
 from t
 where metric_name='unique_purchase'

 union all

 select campaign_id,
 from t
 where metric_name='content_view')

select * 
from cte;
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