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Redaction of regex


i'm trying to create a regex for replacing this kind of string :

(x bla bla bla)

Im looking for replace (x bla bla bla) by (x) then add new text

Here my jsfiddle : Jsfiddle

here my code :

var StartingLetter = 'x';
var NewText = 'Dadidu'
var regexTest = new RegExp('(' StartingLetter  ')',"g");
$('.select_list option').text(function(i, oldText) {
    //BlankText transform (x bla bla bla) by (x) ==> Doesnt work
    var BlankText= oldText.replace(/\(' StartingLetter  '*?\)/, '(' StartingLetter  ')')

    //Then i replace with the new sentence (x) by (x Dadidu) 
    return oldText.replace(regexTest, StartingLetter  ' '  NewText);              

CodePudding user response:

You need to revamp the code as follows:

$(document).ready(function() {
var StartingLetter = 'x';
var NewText = 'Dadidu'
$('.select_list option').text(function(i, oldText) {
    return oldText.replace(new RegExp(String.raw`\((${StartingLetter})[^()]*\)`,'g'), `($1 ${NewText})`)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://altair-html.tzdthemes.com/assets/js/common.min.js"></script>
<select class="select_list">
<option>Hello option A (x blabla bla)</option>
<option>Hello option B (x dididdidi)</option>


  • new RegExp(String.raw`\((${StartingLetter})[^()]*\)`,'g') declares a regex dynamically, String.raw help avoid doubling backslashes, g allows matching all non-overlapping occurrences in the string. Note the added [^()]* part, it matches zero or more chars other than round parentheses, and ${StartingLetter} is wrapped with capturing parentheses
  • ($1 ${NewText}) is the replacement pattern, $1 stands for the captured Group 1 value and ${NewText} is the word you want to append to the (x part.
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