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Pandas DataFrame interpolation with different increment by adding rows


So, basically, I have a DataFrame looking like this:

Initial Dataframe

and the task is to make increment of 'Depth' with 0.1 step (add new rows), also interpolate the 'Value's accordingly.

It should look like this: (bottom part cropped because of size)

Result Dataframe

Here is the draft of code I wrote:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['AS', 'AS', 'AS', 'DB', 'DB', 'DB'],
                   'Depth': [15, 16, 17, 10, 11, 12],
                   'Value': [100, 200, 300, 200, 300, 400]})

df['Depth']= ... #make it here with increment 0.1
df['Value'] = df['Value'].interpolate(method=linear)
df['Name'] = ... #copy it for each empty row

df.to_csv('Interpolated values.csv')

CodePudding user response:

Here's a solution which will allow you to interpolate values with any variation of stepsize (assuming steps fall neatly between integers) and more flexibility with interpolation:

my_df_list = []
step = 0.1

for label, group in df.sort_values('Depth').groupby('Name'):

    # Create a lookup dictionary for interpolation lookup
    lookup_dict = {x[0]:x[1] for x in group[['Depth', 'Value']].values}
    # Use np.linespace because of the strictness of start and end values
    new_index = np.linspace(
        start = group['Depth'].min(),
        stop = group['Depth'].max(),
        num = int(1/step) * np.ptp(group['Depth'])   1
    new_values = pd.Series(
        lookup_dict.get(round(x, 1)) for x in new_index

    # Create a tmp df with your values
    df_tmp = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
        'Name': [label] * len(new_index),
        'Depth': new_index, 

# Finally, combine all dfs
df_final = pd.concat(my_df_list, ignore_index=True)

    Name    Depth   Value
0   AS  15.0    100.0
1   AS  15.1    110.0
19  AS  16.9    290.0
20  AS  17.0    300.0
21  DB  10.0    200.0
22  DB  10.1    210.0
39  DB  11.8    380.0
40  DB  11.9    390.0
41  DB  12.0    400.0

CodePudding user response:

Part 1:

I choose not to use iteration, assign new values to the whole column instead.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['AS', 'AS', 'AS', 'DB', 'DB', 'DB'], 
                   'Depth': [15, 16, 17, 10, 11, 12], 
                   'Value':[100, 200, 300, 200, 300, 400]


  Name  Depth  Value
0   AS     15    100
1   AS     16    200
2   AS     17    300
3   DB     10    200
4   DB     11    300
5   DB     12    400

  1. use len to get the length of the column.

  2. df[column][0] to get the initial value. If you do have a specific initial value then just skip this step. Assign your initial value to it.

ini_1 = df['Depth'][0] # initial value
ini_2 = df['Value'][0] # initial value
length = len(df)
step_1 = 0.1
step_2 = 10

df['Depth'] = np.arange(ini_1, ini_1 length*step_1, step_1)
df['Value'] = np.arange(ini_2, ini_2 length*step_2, step_2)


  Name  Depth  Value
0   AS   15.0    100
1   AS   15.1    110
2   AS   15.2    120
3   DB   15.3    130
4   DB   15.4    140
5   DB   15.5    150

Since we don't know the variant regulation between Name and Depth, but it's another aspect that avoids iterate into every single row.

Part 2:

Suppose every name-depth group expands to 10 items and follow the increment of 0.1 and 10 on Depth and Value respectively.

Here's the step:

  1. load the dataframe
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['AS', 'AS', 'AS', 'DB', 'DB', 'DB'], 
                   'Depth': [15, 16, 17, 10, 11, 12], 
                   'Value':[100, 200, 300, 200, 300, 400]
  1. expand df to 10X:
dfn = pd.concat([df]*10,ignore_index=False).sort_index()
  1. It's an arithmetic progression:
    for Depth a = 0, d = 0.1, length = 10
    for Value a = 0, d = 10, length = 10
    Taking them as vector(1D array) summation in each Name-Depth group:
a = 0
d_depth = 0.1
d_value = 10
length = 10
arithmetric_1 = [round(a   d_depth * (n - 1),2) for n in range(1, length   1)] # arithmetic progression series for Depth
arithmetric_2 = [round(a   d_value * (n - 1),2) for n in range(1, length   1)] # arithmetic progression series for Value
  1. the main part
for i in set(dfn.index):
    dfn.loc[i,'Depth'] = dfn.loc[i,'Depth'].array   arithmetric_1
    dfn.loc[i,'Value'] = dfn.loc[i,'Value'].array   arithmetric_2

summary: now you get dataframe dfn as the result base on the assumption. This manipulation try to decrease the loop-times, and use vector aspect to deal with the problem(if you have huge datasets).

Name Depth  Value
0   AS  15.0    100
0   AS  15.1    110
0   AS  15.2    120
0   AS  15.3    130
0   AS  15.4    140
0   AS  15.5    150
0   AS  15.6    160
0   AS  15.7    170
0   AS  15.8    180
0   AS  15.9    190
1   AS  16.0    200
1   AS  16.1    210
1   AS  16.2    220
1   AS  16.3    230
1   AS  16.4    240
1   AS  16.5    250
1   AS  16.6    260
1   AS  16.7    270
1   AS  16.8    280
1   AS  16.9    290
2   AS  17.0    300
2   AS  17.1    310

CodePudding user response:

The following given solution will solve the problem.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['AS', 'AS', 'AS', 'DB', 'DB', 'DB'],
                   'Depth': [15, 16, 17, 10, 11, 12],
                   'Value':[100, 200, 300, 200, 300, 400]})

counter = 0.0
def add(val):
    global counter
    if counter <=0.9:
        val = val counter
        counter =0.1
        return val
        return val

# Duplicate each rows 10 times and sort using the index 
df = pd.concat([df]*10).sort_index()
# Apply add function on the depth
df['Depth'] = df['Depth'].apply(add)
# Reset the index
df= df.reset_index(drop=True)
# Increment the value by 10 based on the last value
for idx in range(1,len(df)):
    df.loc[idx, 'Value'] = df.loc[idx-1,'Value'] 10


   Name  Depth  Value
0    AS   15.0    100
1    AS   15.1    110
2    AS   15.2    120
3    AS   15.3    130
4    AS   15.4    140
5    AS   15.5    150
6    AS   15.6    160
7    AS   15.7    170
8    AS   15.8    180
9    AS   15.9    190
10   AS   16.0    200
11   AS   16.1    210
12   AS   16.2    220
13   AS   16.3    230
14   AS   16.4    240
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