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Generate random integers with two constraints (sum and local maximum) in Python


I have a dataframe where I want to create random numbers in a new column. The random numbers must fulfill two constraints:

  1. The random numbers must add up to a specified sum (in the example, the sum is 300)
  2. For each observation, the random numbers must not exceed a value in the constraint column.

In the example below, the constraints are fulfilled because the sum is 300 and the random number does not exceed the constraint column.


010010000001 100 80
010010000002 50 40
010010000003 75 60
010010000004 75 60
010010000005 100 60

It seems having random numbers totaling a sum has been demonstrated but I do not see an example with a second constraint.

Edit for clarity: The new column must be integers. The minimum lower bound value is 0.

CodePudding user response:

You could use the multinomial distribution to build an approximate answer:

def sample(total, constraints):
    import numpy as np
    rng = np.random.default_rng()
    samples = rng.multinomial(total, constraints / constraints.sum(), size=100)
    return next(val for val in samples if np.all(val < constraints))

df["RANDOM"] = sample(300, df["CONSTRAINT"].values)


0  10010000001         100      81
1  10010000002          50      42
2  10010000003          75      57
3  10010000004          75      53
4  10010000005         100      67

Thanks goes to @Michael Szczesny for testing the solution.

The key to solve this, relies in (quote from numpy docs):

Its values, X_i = [X_0, X_1, ..., X_p], represent the number of times the outcome was i.

see more details in this blog post.

CodePudding user response:

Here is my solution, let me know what you think about it:

total_sum = 300  # total we want to obtain, is dynamical

# We check if the problem is realistic
if sum(df["CONSTRAINT"]) < total_sum:
    raise Exception("IMPOSSIBLE TO REACH")

random_value_list = []  # values for the new column RANDOM

# We shuffle just to make sure the function works well in any case, (can keep the original order with older indexes)
df = df.sample(frac=1)
df = df.reset_index(drop=False)

for i in range(df.shape[0] - 1):

    total_reached = sum(random_value_list)
    total_yet_to_reach = total_sum - total_reached
    max_value = min(df.at[i, "CONSTRAINT"], total_yet_to_reach)
    # we put constraints or max value to not go above 300 as conditions

    sum_next_constraints = sum(df.loc[i   1:, :]["CONSTRAINT"])
    random_value = random.randint(0, max_value)
    # this while condition is a conditions for the minimum of the random.randint
    while random_value   sum_next_constraints   total_reached < total_sum:
        random_value = random.randint(0, max_value)

# complete the list to get 300 (can be 0)
random_value_list.append(total_sum - sum(random_value_list))

df["RANDOM"] = random_value_list

Here is just one of the example of what you can get :

   index         GEOID  CONSTRAINT  RANDOM
0      3  010010000004          75      49
1      0  010010000001         100      94
2      1  010010000002          50      10
3      2  010010000003          75      69
4      4  010010000005         100      78

We can check that:

Out : 300
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