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F# query: find rows with max value in each group


In my project I use:

  • F# with query workflow
  • Entity Framework Core 3.11
  • MS SQL

I have a problem similar to this one: SQL select only rows with max value on a column, but I'm wondering how to express the SQL presented in that question using F# query workflow:

SELECT a.id, a.rev, a.contents
FROM YourTable a
    SELECT id, MAX(rev) rev
    FROM YourTable
    GROUP BY id
) b ON a.id = b.id AND a.rev = b.rev

CodePudding user response:

Direct translation

For a direct translation, the inner query is:

let innerQuery =
    query {
        for inner in ctx.YourTable do
        groupBy inner.id into grp
        select (grp.Key, grp.Max(fun ent -> ent.rev))

And then, in theory, I think the full query should be:

query {
    for outer in ctx.YourTable do
    join inner in innerQuery
        on ((outer.id, outer.rev) = inner)
    select outer

However, that doesn't work:

Type mismatch when building 'ty': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected

'Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2[Program YourTable,System.Tuple`2[System.Int32,System.Int32]]'

, but received type

'Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2[Program YourTable,Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.RuntimeHelpers.AnonymousObject`2[System.Int32,System.Int32]]'.

I could be wrong, or it could be a bug/limitation. Perhaps someone has a workaround.

Alternate translation

However, if you'll accept a slightly different translation, it does work:

query {
    for outer in ctx.YourTable do
    where (
        query {
            for inner in ctx.YourTable do
            groupBy inner.id into grp
            exists (grp.Key = outer.id && grp.Max(fun ent -> ent.rev) = outer.rev)
    select outer

The generated SQL is:

SELECT [y].[id], [y].[rev], [y].[contents]
FROM [YourTable] AS [y]
    SELECT 1
    FROM [YourTable] AS [y0]
    GROUP BY [y0].[id]
    HAVING ([y0].[id] = [y].[id]) AND (MAX([y0].[rev]) = [y].[rev]))

Output is:

{ id = 2
  rev = 1
  contents = "..." }
{ id = 1
  rev = 3
  contents = "..." }

Note that I had to set a composite primary key of id, rev when building the model:

override __.OnModelCreating(modelBuilder: ModelBuilder) =
        .HasKey([| "id"; "rev" |]) |> ignore

Full code is here.

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