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How to use genetic algorithm and C language implementation of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) cooperat


Unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) cooperative mission planning more

UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV) is a kind of autonomous flight and a new type of combat platform independent ability to perform a task, not only can perform military reconnaissance, surveillance, search, targets and other non-attack tasks, but also to be able to perform and target bombing mission, with the rapid development of technology, more and more Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) will be used in the future battlefield,
A uav combat troops have now attachment P01 ~ P07 seven unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) such as base, the base is equipped with a certain number of FY series of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) (each particular coordinates base, equipped with uav type and quantity, see appendix 1 sketch map see annex 2), the FY - 1 type of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) is mainly served as target reconnaissance and target designation, FY - 2 type of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) is mainly as a communications relay, FY - 3 type unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) used for ground attack, FY - 1 type of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) cruising speed of 200 km/h, maximum cruising for 10 h, cruising altitude of 1500 m; FY - type 2, FY - 3 type of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) cruising speed of 300 km/h, cruising the longest time is 8 h, cruising altitude of 5000 m, restricted by the fuel, unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) in the process of flying as far as possible to reduce a turn, climb, subduction and maneuver, in general, motor fuel consumption is cruising 2 ~ 4 times, the minimum turning radius of 70 m,
Uav can be loaded S FY - 1-1, 2, S - S - 3 three kinds of load, the load S - 1 series image sensor, target imaging, the wide area search pattern on the sensor imaging bandwidth is 2 km (attachment 3 of working principle of the image sensor provides a very concise description, on the performance parameters of some limit, some simplified also contribute to the task of the discussion). Load S - 2 is a optical sensor, to achieve a certain target recognition accuracy, asked when you take a photo for ground targets from the target distance is less than 7.5 km, can the instantaneous photo task; Load S - 3 series target indicator for guided bombs from the requests for target designation was target distance is less than 15 km, due to the limitation of various technical conditions, the series of uav can be loaded at a time S 1, S 2, 3 S - one of the three kinds of load, in order to ensure the detection effect, need to arrange the S - 1 on each target, S - 2 two different load their reconnaissance at least once, two different load spy on the same target intervals of not more than 4 hours,
In order to ensure the reconnaissance uav and the ground control center, need to arrange special FY - 2 type of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) as a communications relay, communications relay uav and perform reconnaissance uav communication distance limit within the range of 50 km, communications relay uav under normal working state can maintain communication with ground control center at any time,
FY - 3 drones can carry six or D - 2 D - 1 two kinds of models of the bomb, bomb where D - 1 is a type of "smart" bombs, adopt to stroke way, namely the delivery after the bomb to the speed of the plane bombing of a parabolic movement, after the bomb close, can take the initiative to find the attack to hit the target, therefore the bomb placement is located in the center of the target of 100 m range can be considered as effective hit the mark, D - type 2 bomb attacks on ground targets in the laser guidance mode, the speed of 200 m/s, flight direction always points to the target, attack the same target of D - type 2 bombs in the process of the flight to a uav load load s FY - 1-3 to lead all the way, until you hit the target, due to technical limitations, D - type 2 bomber drone throwing bombs require 10 km to 30 km away from the target, and the launch of guided bomb to the target point of attachment of the projection not cross (to ensure that the ballistic not cross), to achieve certain damage effect, for each of the target (including radar and remote search radar) need to be successful throwing 10 D - type 1 bomb, and on the same target with 2 D - type 2 bomb can achieve the same damage effect,
More than the uav mission at the same time can be according to certain formation flight, but when the air for more than 200 m away from the machine, because of the limitation of logistics technology ensure the same base of two aircraft take-off time interval and landing recycling requirements in 3 minutes, the time interval after unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) to perform the tasks need to be returned to the original base,
According to mission requirements, complete A10 reconnaissance and target have A01 ~ 10 target group, such as each target group contains any number of ground targets, each target group are bundled with radar station (the location of the target and the radar target group with department sketch see annex 2, specific coordinate parameters see annex 4), the radar target group attachment of FY uav effective detection range of 70 km,
Please your team combined with the actual model, research the following questions:
(1) if a reconnaissance drones into defenders a goal group and the radar detection range between 10 defenders of radar target groups are turning to empty the alert and the search target, and take corresponding countermeasures, including a missile to destroy such as unmanned aerial vehicle (uav), therefore the reconnaissance uav stranded defense radar detection range and the longer, the greater the likelihood of destroyed by its, now need to complete for FY 1 type of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) 10 target group (a total of 68 goals) reconnaissance artificial best route and unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) scheduling strategy (including each drone off base, load of the load, the departure time, track and target reconnaissance), in order to make sure the reconnaissance uav stranded defenders minimum sum of radar detection range of time,
(2) FY - 1 uav spying on the target, should be the reconnaissance information in real time through the FY - type 2 unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) back to the ground control center, in view of the limitation of 50 km communication distance, need to arrange more than FY - 2 type of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav), to ensure that the air reconnaissance drones and FY - type 2 uav communication at any time, FY - 2 type of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) and at the same time more than the scope of its effective communication reconnaissance uav communication and forwarding information, to complete the question (1) reconnaissance missions, at least how many vehicles FY - type 2 communication relay uav,
(3) all FY - 1 type of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) is now reconnaissance mission and returned to base, can load the load S - 3 is used to provide target designation for guided bombs, hereby request within seven hours (from the first attack drone into defenders radar detection range, to the bombing of the final target check) of 10 targets of all 68 fire against ground targets, how to carry out the mission planning in place to ensure that an attack uav stranded defenders of radar detection range minimum sum of time? Please give specific uav mission planning results (including each uav flight routes, FY - 3 uav to carry bombs specific list and attack the target list),
(4) by the related information learned in how A02, A05, A09 may also configuration around three remote search radar, the radar type of FY unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) is the effective distance of 200 km, the working mode of three radar is successively boot work, that is only the first boot of radar was attacked after open the second, also is only the second only after being attacked open third radar, radar remote search radar once work boot, attack uav group can get the signal and target, and then arrange from its recent uavs to destroy it, please based on defense deployment situation of remote search radar to reconsider problems (3),
(5) for solving the complexity of the algorithm of the model are analyzed; And discuss how to effectively improve the efficiency of the algorithm to enhance the efficiency of the mission planning and based on your team to build the mathematical model and the calculating results of the model, discussing what technical parameters will be improved significantly enhance the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicle (uav)?

Attachment 1 drone base information

The base name (X, Y) coordinates
Amount (in km) FY 1 attachment
The amount (in) FY - 2 attachment
The amount (in) FY - 3 attachment
Base P01 (368319) 2 1 13
Base P02 (264, 44) 0 1 15
Base P03 (392220) 2 1 13
Base P04 0 1 15 (360110)
Base P05 (392275) 2 1 13
Base P06 0 1 15 (296242)
Base P07 (256121) 2 1 13
Attachment 2 target group, unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) base sketch map

Attachment 3 working principle and performance parameters of the imaging sensor

Practice, load of UAV image sensor spying on the target will be adopted according to the different characteristics of the target scan in different ways, to simplify the problem, as shown in figure 1, the task of image sensor with wide area search patterns for target imaging, can, within the target into sensor imaging bandwidth to see in the two-dimensional plane, sensor imaging bandwidth limit is 2 km refers to the distance of 2 km, two general limit imaging sensors in the side of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imaging, the in the right side of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imaging is presented in figure 1 (also available on the left side of the imaging), the task limited unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) loading S - 1 type load, the completed equipment debugging before departure, is fixed on the one side of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imaging, adjustment no longer in flight,
In general, spying on the target imaging sensor need a certain amount of time to collect information, so require a lateral distance is greater than a certain threshold, at the same time also has a maximum range of limitations, which should be less than a certain threshold of the sketch, to simplify the problem, the task limit for, unity, as like the sensor adopts the model of the wide area search for target imaging, in order to ensure the imaging effect, unit general requirements of uniform motion in a straight line,

Figure 1 image sensor working principle diagram and related performance parameters

Annex 4 target information

Name (X, Y) coordinates
(in km) note point
Name (X, Y) coordinates
(in km) note
Target group A01 target group A05
Target A0101 (264715) radar target A0501 (120400) radar station
Target A0102 (258719) target A0502 (119388)
Target A0103 (274728) target A0503 (112394)
Target A0104 (264728) target A0504 (125410)
Target A0105 (254728) target A0505 (114405)
Target A0106 (257733) target A0506 (116410)
Target A0107 (260731) target A0507 (113416)
Target A0108 (262733)
Target A0109 (268733) target group A06
Target A0110 (270739) target A0601 (96304) radar station
Target A0602 (88305)
Target group how A02 target A0603 (100312)
Target A0201 (225605) radar target A0604 (93311)
Target A0202 (223598) target A0605 (86310)
Target A0203 (210605) target A0606 (94315)
Target A0204 (220610)
Target A0205 (223615)
Target A0206 (209615) target group A07
Target A0207 (230620) target A0701 (10451) radar station
Target A0208 (220622) target A0702 (11449)
Target A0209 (205618) target A0703 (13450)
Target A0704 (16450)
Target group A03 target A0705 (12453)
Target A0301 (168538) radar target A0706 (15455)
Target A0302 (168542)
Target A0303 (164544) target group A08
Target A0304 (168545) target A0801 (162660) radar station
Target A0305 (174544) target A0802 (161659)
Target A0803 (159659)
Target group A04 target A0804 (160657)
Target A0401 (210455) radar target A0805 (164658)
Target A0402 (180455)
Target A0403 (175452) target group A09
Target A0404 (170453) target A0901 (110561) radar station
Target A0405 (185460) target A0902 (110563)
Target A0406 (178460) target A0903 (110565)
Target A0407 (190470) target A0904 (109567)
Target A0408 (183473) target A0905 (112568)
Target A0409 (175472)
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