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The great god, for help, HTTP POST submitted after the function what do I need to thank, please


(2) get access token access token)

Environmental address
The sandbox environment https://open-api-sandbox.shop.ele.me/token
Formal environment https://open-api.shop.ele.me/token
The client authorization model process

(A) client application developers launched an HTTP POST request to the authentication server authentication, and requires an access token,
(B) after the authentication server, provide the access token to application,
(A) step, the developer of the HTTP POST request from the client application, the request body body contains the following parameters:

Parameters of type parameter meaning whether will choose parameter values
Grant_type String types will choose the client authorized mode of fixed value "client_credentials
"The scope of String competence optional defaults to "all", said all permissions
Also need to carry Authorization request header in the HTTP headers, Basic value algorithm is as follows (+ connection string) :

Base64_encode (key + ":" + secret)
Authentication server validation client identity, and then return the token data, sample request as follows:

POST/token HTTP/1.1
Host: open - API - the sandbox. Shop. Ele. Me
Authorization: Basic aHZCVzE1R2lTaTpmODBiZDg3MGQwZjIwOGYyYWM0NmEzYmQ2ODJmNTM4NQ==
The content-type: application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded


How can I use POST submission
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