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Blazor - update HTML on button click following async get request


Been at this for two days now. There are many similar questions, but none of the answers have successfully worked for me. I come from using C# for the controller side and plain JavaScript for everything client side in ASP.NET Core. I am familiar with the .NET environment but really struggling with Blazor.

Problem: To get started with Blazor, the first thing I'm trying to do is set up a very simple view (razor page since this is Blazor). On a button click, I am calling an HttpGet from a controller - I can verify in browser debugging (network tab) that the call DID go through, and a Notes object was returned with the values I gave it in the controller. I have this code as my razor page:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-3">
        <input class="form-control" placeholder="Insert Random Value" @bind="@theResponse.note1" />
    <div class="col-md-1">
        <button class="btn btn-warning" @onclick="TestPost">Test POST</button>

@code {

    Notes theResponse = new Notes();

    private async Task TestPost()
        theResponse = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<Notes>("Test/Action4");


Notes object:

    public class Notes
        public string note1 { get; set; }


namespace BlazorTry1.Server.Controllers
    public class TestController : Controller
        public async Task<JsonResult> myStringResult1()
            Notes myNotes = new Notes();
            myNotes.note1 = "YouHitTheGetRequest";
            var yourdata = myNotes;
            return Json(new { data = yourdata });

However, in debugging within Visual Studio - 'theResponse' remains null through step debugging.

Other answers I've read on stackoverflow confirm that in current Blazor, StateHasChanged is automatically called at the end of a Task method. I tried manually adding that, of course no change.

I'm sure I'm missing something really obvious here - but I've tried quite a variation of ideas on the razor page and I am not succeeding. I read @bind

The @bind attribute accomplishes two separate (but related) tasks:

  1. Binds an expression to the value of the <Input... component
  2. Binds a delegate that will trigger the component's ValueChanged property

I'm interpreting this wrong I'm sure but I imagined that when the Notes object had a property changed, that would fire the ValueChanged event.

Edit: Edited to correct grammar.

CodePudding user response:

the problem is in your controller replace this

  public async Task<JsonResult> myStringResult1()
            Notes myNotes = new Notes();
            myNotes.note1 = "YouHitTheGetRequest";
            var yourdata = myNotes;
            return Json(new { data = yourdata });

with this

 public async Task<ActionResult<Notes>> myStringResult1()
            Notes myNotes = new Notes();
            myNotes.note1 = "YouHitTheGetRequest";
            return myNotes; 

CodePudding user response:

First, make sure that class Notes { ... } is in the Shared project and that Client and Server use the same class.

In the client, make sure the button does not cause an unwanted submit:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" @onclick="TestPost">Test POST</button>

Then simplify the controller:

public class TestController : Controller
    [ActionName("Action4")]   // I would omit this and simplify the URL in the Client
    public async Task<Notes> myStringResult4()
        Notes myNotes = new Notes();
        myNotes.note1 = "YouHitTheGetRequest";
        return myNotes;

The action doesn't even have to be async but I left that as it was.

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